Yoga Teachers: Learn a Sobering Lesson from Hilaria Baldwin

Folks, although this post may sound "catty", (it IS catty) I did write this for the good of the collective "We". I want to warn you that THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU. No yoga teacher in their right mind would ever want to cause their students suffering, but it's happening more and more, as the world is becoming filled with more and more yoga instructors. Many studios these days are focusing on the lucrative road of yoga teacher training to make rent and pull in profit and not, what they'd rather have you think, make you a "star". When quantity is the focus, quality almost always suffers. This is no exception, as this is the true story of what happens when a teacher who believes they are pure gold is teaching to droves of unsuspecting students who are led to believe the same. Of course, positive affirmations are good. Keep telling yourself you are amazing, talented, beautiful, skilled and strong, but do not EVER forget to reflect on yourself and se...