
Showing posts from November, 2012

Tai Chi Tapping Warm-Up

Here is practically the exact same energy meridian warm-up exercise I will be teaching in my Clown Yoga Workshop.  I'm so excited!  Enjoy this warm-up if you can't make it.  It opens up the energy meridians and helps you feel energetic, happy and motivated!  A healthy clown is a funny clown! <3

Catching up, Making Movies and Clown Yoga

Greetings to yogis, magickians, seekers of gnosis and everyone else! I thought I would brief you all on what has been going on in my life lately, just in case you've been wondering.  I have been teaching classes as usual, practicing Muladhara (root chakra) kriyas (aka Kundalini Yoga) as a daily sadhana, as I have chosen to meditate for 40 days on each chakra, moving up from the bottom, working my way all the way out to my aura. I am currently on about day 35 of the root chakra exercises.  These Sadhanas are normally conducted one at a time, forty days in a row, without break.  If you miss a day, you must start all over again. Them's the rules!  I have also been preparing for my clownyoga workshop coming up THIS Saturday at 2:00 PM which will have some acting games, movement and mime games along with some things I personally developed.  Our warm-up will also include " The Ancient Secret of the Fountain  of Youth "  (AKA  5 Tibetans) exercis...