A sadhana (40 day commitment to the spiritually powerful practice of Kriya yoga) can help us to bump the often cumbersome ego out of the way if we practice it every day without fail. Once your ego is ready to behave, you will begin to more poignantly observe habits and thoughts that are destructive to your goals of health and happiness. I offer you the Kriyas of Elevation to try on your own, as a launching pad to begin clearing yourself of obstacles. From these kriyas, you will begin to derive a way of experiencing the world a little more objectively and stepping outside of your own emotional dramas. Also you will begin to experience that you are beginning to let go of things you did not realize before that you were clinging to. SAT NAM!
Amazing Unicorn Mist?
I am beginning the initial stages of creating a high-vibration aromatherapeutic product called AUM. This is almost exactly what the label will look like! This gentle, moisture-balancing astringent purifies everything, including your complexion and the air. It also kills mildew, molds and germs! This is Amazing Unicorn Mist! If you spray it into your own face (with your eyes closed), it won't make you break out. In fact it will soothe your skin. If you are experiencing Kundalini 'hot flashes', it can be a welcome relief from this or any other unwanted agitation. Please feel free to participate in donating to the initial expenses to legitimize and package my product. The first owners of this bottle will be the first 3 people to donate me $50 will receive a bottle in the mail before the April 13th in-store release date. If you want to reserve a bottle for yourself, send me $18 in Paypal and I will mail it to you anywhere in the continental US. I will correspon...
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