"Mmmmm... Why Do I Feel SO Good?" -Kundalini & Being a Sensual, Spiritual Woman

Women not bound to a relationship that obligates you to 'sexual duty':  Find the rewarding experience of sensual ecstasy that a woman receives for simply having an open heart and mind.

I exchanged notes with a friend who is in her 20s today. She has been single for about a year now and is now experiencing the sensual arousal of her kundalini....

"i have intense sexual dreams but thats bout it on the action i get ,,, so it doesnt take much to get me turned out, my sensitivity went up a notch, i just see someone really attractive or sensual and get aroused and feeling of tingly rush haha its kind of sweet actually , thinking im openin the kundalini... cuz i get those rushes at varios different parts of my body...."

I know what sensations you are talking about. it is your kundalini. Feminine energy is PRANA.. the upward current. If we are a sexually awakened woman, it is easy for us to accomplish spiritual ecstacy by simply opening our minds. Men have no clue why they want to have sex with a woman so badly, and this is a great and primal reason why. When they are "tugging" energetically on our vaginal pleasure centers, it pulls our energy down, for men's energy flow is APANA, the downward current. Hence, why their penises fill with blood that flows down from their heart, making the content of their pants heavier. 

I know it sounds kind of blunt, but it actually is a fairly straight to the point phenomenon.  This is why you will notice more men than women expressing a desire to "arouse kundalini" as well as "open the 3rd eye".   If they are able to fight the urge to follow apana and can connect to their own feminine aspect of prana (as we all have both currents within our own bodies just like estrogen and testosterone), men with awakened kundalini are easily revered as truly spiritually accomplished individuals.   So, men I ask this of you -- Do not fear the sensitivity of your solar plexus.  Do not underestimate the ability of your heart to express both tenderness and radiant strength.  Embrace any aspects of sensitivity that you have and joyfully acknowledge them.  You want to be strong, but the way to true strength is to not hide your own gentile spirit from your self.   


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