Santosha Retreat - Are you Satisfied? (do it your self!)

 The true metropolitan yogi test: Can you be happy with (next to) nothing? 

Picture this: A TRUE santosha yoga retreat.
 An exercise in being satisfied with having just enough to get by.  It is as simple as leaving your home with a tent, a few basic survival tools and the clothes you have on your back (OK maybe a change or two), along with enough means to eat just enough each day to not waste away and involuntarily experience mahasamadhi (that's fancy Sanskrit talk for leaving your body through letting go of all your Earthly attachments).   In a true santosha yoga retreat, you do not need a yogi support group but it is acceptable to take a fellow yogi with the same intention and focus if you are taking trip far from civilization.  In a true santosha retreat you do not party, surf or snorkle.  you do not need a spa, fancy cuisine or a beach resort.  If you have practiced consistently for more than 5 years, you no longer need to follow the guidance a teacher in a class to tell you how to move or still your body and mind.  Do not turn away from the wealth of personal guidance that resides within your energy bodies and intuition.  Remember, you are practicing pratyahara. Draw your senses inward, so you do not feel compelled to derive pleasure and happiness from false means. Relying upon that which is temporary; that which does not emanate from your being will only leave you lingering tentatively at the brim of the emptiness that resides within all.  Continuing upon the social business model copy of yoga will not slake your thirst for wisdom and enlightenment and you will be left wandering.   Wandering and wondering what it means, wondering what to do next as you grope along your path like a starving blind man.  Instead, dive deep into that emptiness so you may transcend the fear that the so-called civilized life has instilled in you.  You will then experience the awe of the infinite and expansive divine power within yourself.  Aim at keeping the price tag on your santosha retreat as low as possible.  The lower the expenses, the more successful you will realize you are being on your path to true spiritual ecstasy.


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