
Showing posts from 2013

What Am I Doing With My Hands?

Mudras.  Jestures of divine inspiration, energy reception and transmission.  Sometimes when experiencing spiritual changes from dedicated focus on yogic practices, one may spontaneously go into movements that compel us to hold these graceful gestures during periods of increased movement of energy in the body.  This may be accompanied by feeling the tingles of Mata Shakti (Kundalini) up and down the spine, as it lovingly knocks on the back door to the hrit (heart/anahata/surya chakra).  Feeling lifted and enraptured by a gradual transcendence of the corporeal body (Anamaya Kosha) as you move.   Also, just consciously doing them during times of meditative focus can be very pleasant to the nervous system and psychic sensitivities, bestowing a sense of calm and comfort to the heart and mind.   Here is a lovely site with great photos and descriptions:

Free Monthly Yoga Practice, & Play Parties

EAT PRAY OGA LOVE Because EVERYONE (even GODS) thrive with support. Yoga Magick is hosting FREE monthly parties! Next & upcoming: Friday August 16th  5:30 to 8:00  (It's OK to come late.) Irving City Park                                     NE Fremont St  Portland, OR 97212 Enjoy the playful company of PDX yogis  PUTTING THE "OM" and "UNITY" in COMMUNITY! Celebrate yoga, Qi, Zen,Tantra, Philosophy, Laughter, Healing,  shared ideas, experience, movements, practices and food.  BRING A DISH TO SHARE! Our Self-Sustained  Collective  evolves and grows non-competitively.   More info at or our Facebook community page Email for any questions, comments or suggestions

The Yoga of Yolking to Union

YOGIS (and some of you occultists who are doing GREAT work): Engage in connecting with your drastr-- That inner witness; the knower. Nourish your jiva (soul), By following what your purusa or divine, cosmic higher aspect of ourselves desires us to accomplish, that is the highest good and to reach our fullest embodiment of oneness and divinity. This is YOGA. Yolk yourself to the purusa and accomplish union with all. Swami Madhavanada explains more in depth information on the purusha (based from the minor upanasad; Atharvaveda, written by Rishi Angiras):  "Purusha, the dweller in the body, is three-fold, the Bahyatman (the Outer-Atman) which is born and dies; the Antaratman (the Inner-Atman) which comprehends the whole range of material phenomena, gross and subtle, with which the Jiva concerns himself, and the Paramatman which is all-pervading, unthinkable, indescribable, purifies the unclean, is without action and has no Samskaras." Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ( ...

What's the Difference Between an "Instructor" and a "Yogi"?

An instructor teaches movement, breathing and asanas.  Occasionally even some mantras. They might even drop a little Sanskrit from time to time. A yogi does the same thing, but they sound more enthusiastic about it when they speak and they actually, naturally and intuitively transmit healing energy to the students. ...Also, they tend to enjoy gently shoving wobbly students and giving adjustments with their feet. :) The practices taught by the instructors often extend out into dance or other more hyperactive cardio madness types of classes along with pilates and of course can sometimes even fall under the category of Hatha and Ashtanga and even Iyengar. After all, these are all readibly available 200 hour programs.  Some of these 200, even 500 hour trainings might just teach some teachers to be more delusional than others, especially if they spent the big bucks on it to fly to India.  The result of this delusion is that the teacher gets cocky, arrogant and narciss...

Amazing Unicorn Mist?

I am beginning the initial stages of creating a high-vibration aromatherapeutic product called AUM. This is almost exactly what the label will look like! This gentle, moisture-balancing astringent purifies everything, including your complexion and the air. It also kills mildew, molds and germs! This is Amazing Unicorn Mist! If you spray it into your own face (with your eyes closed), it won't make you break out. In fact it will soothe your skin.  If you are experiencing Kundalini 'hot flashes', it can be a welcome relief from this or any other unwanted agitation.  Please feel free to participate in donating to the initial expenses to legitimize and package my product.  The first owners of this bottle will be the first 3 people to donate me $50 will receive a bottle in the mail before the April 13th in-store release date.  If you want to reserve a bottle for yourself, send me $18 in Paypal and I will mail it to you anywhere in the continental US. I will correspon...

Yoga Teachers: Learn a Sobering Lesson from Hilaria Baldwin

Folks, although this post may sound "catty", (it IS catty)  I did write this for the good of the collective "We".  I want to warn you that THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU.  No yoga teacher in their right mind would ever want to cause their students suffering, but it's happening more and more, as the world is becoming filled with more and more yoga instructors.  Many studios these days are focusing on the lucrative road of yoga teacher training to make rent and pull in profit and not, what they'd rather have you think, make you a "star". When quantity is the focus, quality almost always suffers.  This is no exception, as this is the true story of what happens when a teacher who believes they are pure gold is teaching to droves of unsuspecting students who are led to believe the same.  Of course, positive affirmations are good.  Keep telling yourself you are amazing, talented, beautiful, skilled and strong, but do not EVER forget to reflect on yourself and se...