The Yoga of Yolking to Union

YOGIS (and some of you occultists who are doing GREAT work): Engage in connecting with your drastr-- That inner witness; the knower. Nourish your jiva (soul), By following what your purusa or divine, cosmic higher aspect of ourselves desires us to accomplish, that is the highest good and to reach our fullest embodiment of oneness and divinity. This is YOGA. Yolk yourself to the purusa and accomplish union with all.

Swami Madhavanada explains more in depth information on the purusha (based from the minor upanasad; Atharvaveda, written by Rishi Angiras): 

"Purusha, the dweller in the body, is three-fold, the Bahyatman (the Outer-Atman) which is born and dies; the Antaratman (the Inner-Atman) which comprehends the whole range of material phenomena, gross and subtle, with which the Jiva concerns himself, and the Paramatman which is all-pervading, unthinkable, indescribable, purifies the unclean, is without action and has no Samskaras."

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

("May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.")


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