What's the Difference Between an "Instructor" and a "Yogi"?

An instructor teaches movement, breathing and asanas.  Occasionally even some mantras. They might even drop a little Sanskrit from time to time.

A yogi does the same thing, but they sound more enthusiastic about it when they speak and they actually, naturally and intuitively transmit healing energy to the students.
...Also, they tend to enjoy gently shoving wobbly students and giving adjustments with their feet. :)

The practices taught by the instructors often extend out into dance or other more hyperactive cardio madness types of classes along with pilates and of course can sometimes even fall under the category of Hatha and Ashtanga and even Iyengar. After all, these are all readibly available 200 hour programs.  Some of these 200, even 500 hour trainings might just teach some teachers to be more delusional than others, especially if they spent the big bucks on it to fly to India.  The result of this delusion is that the teacher gets cocky, arrogant and narcissistic.  The more money the instructor already has (as they are merely teaching as a hobby plus a means to feed their tirelessly ravenous need for approval), the more obtuse and emotionally unhealthy.  These are not qualities that I would personally be interested in being attuned to through means of following instruction.... I digress....
Yogis practice Hatha yoga regularly and KRIYA yoga all of the time. This brings the yogi into an ascended supernatural and hyper aware state. The yogi is motivated and ecstatically happy to be of service to you in assisting your progress toward the liberation he/she is experiencing.

An instructor is still very caught up in the throes of emotional-materialistic bondage.  (See how cute, new and expensive or skimpy  her/his special Yoga clothes look?  Look how flirtatious teacher is being with the students!)

The yogi sees the students as an extension of his/herself.  No higher, no lower.  All-one-love.

An instructor understands that they are teaching an ancient practice. They do not always necessarily have a cognitive understanding of its ins and outs as a mind/body/spirit technology.

The Yogi knows precisely what they are doing.


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