How Do I Love Thee... Let me Count The Yamas...
You can talk positive all you want, but this does not mean that all of your life will magickly become filled with butterflies, cupcakes, n' teddybears. The first two limbs of yoga, Yamas and Niyamas are of vital importance to a human being who truly wants to be strong. It's not all about whether or not you can touch your toes, how well you can do chaturanga dandasana pushups, or whether or not you can get your leg behind your head in eka pada sirsasana. It is about how you deliberately and consciously handle that which you have been given: a great and powerful mind, free will, and this precious body, which is one and the same as this earth, for you are presently embodying this sensual earthly experience. When you encounter something that you are finding to be unpleasant, uncomfortable or displeasing, it is a cue to step up to something which will grant you the opportunity to grow. An intimate understanding of the yamas and niyamas of yoga helps us to handle thi...