The Yoga of International Love

Dear friends and family, I have been having an amazing time in Australia with my lovely partner.  Such a blessing it is for me that my partner is good friends with the organisers of global "conscious" events such as the Uplift and Wanderlust festivals.  Thanks to this blessing, we had an unforgettable Cockatoo Island experience in Sydney.  Attempting to make soul-to-soul eye contact with the city folk proved as impossible there as anywhere else in the world--just saying!  Anyway, the organisers just had a wonderful event in Rishikesh for world water day [check it out on ] .....Rishikesh is THE SPOT in India I would love to visit, however I have not yet arrived at a spot in my life where I have a student base that I can take on retreats.  Funny that I am a yogini and have never been to India, eh?   I am not a fitness instructor... I am here to inspire true pure health and enlightenment, in a world where careers and bank accounts are more real than nirvana because no one can reach their own pure, true bliss.  I can teach you why it is hard for you to feel blissful without anything else to get you there, in emptiness and silence.

 I wish I could be sending travel gifts and postcards to you, my dear friends and family, but according to Australian authorities, just loving (let alone marrying) someone else is not a good enough reason for me to stay around and contribute to (work in) the community I am trying to be an active loving part of.   It is all money.  Everyone wants a few thoudand dollars.. "It's security" they say... Well, due to security reasons, I have to hold on to what ever money I have so that I can eat.  The REAL kicker here is that I know millions of people are suffering similar issues... We want to be giving, lift others up, spread a smile, but some of us are getting more weakened by malnutrition.  I am writing public fundraising campaigns and proposals in an effort to make big changes in the way this world is attempting to "globalise".  I want this world to unite through love first and foremost, and then after that, through businesses that are doing true good for the world, rather than simply printing deceptive words of compassion and outright lies like "fresh", "sustainable", "organic", and "fair trade" while blatantly misbehaving.

In the meanwhile, I am doing my yoga every moment I get a chance to.  I am constantly working on myself, my conduct, my strengths, addressing my weaknesses.  My yoga is my lifetime practice and it does not stop when I step off a mat or leave a yoga studio.  My yoga is for you.  As I cultivate myself each day, it is my desire that you find inspiration to live a life free of anxiety, hatred, fear, and shame.  I love all beings and will do so however I choose.


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