Change Your Words, Change Your Life.

I have been doing some serious meditating today on the unpleasant mental noise I have been airing just about ever since my Grandmother passed on unexpectedly when I was 8, causing extreme discomfort in every social circle I have ever been in, assassinating my own character, along with my chances of making genuine bonds and connections with friends and family.... Well, today I say NO MORE.

I am tired of pretending that if I just stick to my bitchy, stroppy, "heavily opinionated" guns, suddenly one day everyone will simply drop everything and see "my point", rather than lodge grievances amongst themselves about my negativity and judgemental expressions.  I have realised that a lifetime of talking in socially unacceptable patterns; voicing malcontent with the world has caused me to store up increasing amounts of anger and feelings of isolation, ushering unnecessary crisis into my life, attracting pain and resentment.  The Power of Attraction indeed.

Being that I have possibly utterly destroyed my opportunity of leaving a positive impression on most of the people who have bumped into me in cyberspace or been within earshot of me, I have noticed how often people who have heard me express myself often subconsciously do not invite me any opportunity to say my piece about a topic, as negative data is what they have come to associate me with.  Desperately seeking for a way to be more pleasant to converse with, I found a TED talk called "How To Get People To Listen When You Talk" and it was so right on target with salient reminders for those of us who suffer from what I call "unrestrained speech" or in other words TMI syndrome", I could not help but share.

So, for those of you who do not have the 10min extra to watch, I have cut out the core info from the powerpoint presentation, boiling this entire life transforming concept down to two images:

What to avoid

What to Do

I am confident if you are experiencing unrest in your social life and interpersonal relationships, 
continuing your human journey with this advice will change your life. 

Sending my sincere wishes that you experience success in love/belonging, esteem, self realisation, and transcendence in your future.  

Katherine Russ


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