"Glass Half Full" May Not Be The Right Attitude After All

HOLY SHIFT!!!! What if there was a way to view our unique birth-given "light-defects" (also known as karma or original sin) and see what we need to do to strengthen our own unique selves? What would you say?
If you are a hopelessly optimistic "glass half full" type, you do your best every day to be happy with having "just enough" and you may even label this as your "abundance". Is "Just enough" truly abundance if you can not give to charity to help children or the environment with no problem?  

if you are a "glass half full" type, you may say "I know I'm $%#*@ed up.don't want to know how %$&#ed up I am." This is only because it is easier to try to push others away, who are offering something for the cup. It seems easier to withdraw from an offer to fill your sacred chalice to abundance, as you are tired of others taking advantage of your kind trusting nature. "I've got this", you'll say without even thinking about taking a moment to carefully explore what an offer for fullness is even about.

Too many people with skills have been selfishly taking advantage of people with less skills for far too long. Well, what kind of skills is it really if the "skilled" one is selfish anyway?
If you are a glass half empty type, however... Perhaps there is true optimism in knowing where you really are at?  
In my psychology studies experience, this was called "Hitting rock bottom". Sober realism.
If you are not a DEPRESSIVE "glass half empty" type, but a realist, you may simply say "I KNOW I could use higher self contentment and greater self esteem! Show me now, you knucklehead!".

What if the holy grail was actually inside us all, but within that holy grail are obstructions known to only ourselves on a deep primal level as ("I gotta hide this negative stuff however I can...") our "abominations"?

What if I told you we can put the cup down, stop drinking, let it settle, and then let all of these qualities come to light?

A more meaningful life will be found through sober, loving, examination.

Astro Medicine community page
Yoga Magick website
Dharma Alliance


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