So many people drive hundreds of miles away from their own home, to work for someone else's business because they need to pay the person who owns the home they live in. The home they live in is sprayed with defoliant (plant-killing) poison, making the land surrounding the home ill suited to cultivate produce on.
We must NEVER allow backwards, cold, and mechanical corporate mentalities infect our heart. Do not follow suit with profit driven exclusivity. To follow your heart, you must first listen to it. 
All beings are indispensable. This is a lesson that even so-called intentional permaculture communities can stand to take on board to heal otherwise unhealthy attitudes!

Humanity has been structuring societies based upon the example of feudal lords governing serfdom-based activities of subjugation for far too long.   Now with industrial and capitalistic culture, no one needs to wear the fancier clothes and eat the meat to prove that they are the lords. Master-slave is the weft and warp woven into the fabric of society and this fabric must burn to ashes.

How can we end the exploitation of servitude when we fail to use our right of expression to speak out against it? Servitude has been seen as a weakness to take advantage of for long enough. 

Service based on noble love should be in all hearts, for the good of all beings.  This is true nobility.  
The feudalistic structuring of society and its associated activities is a hate crime.
All beings on planet Earth are connected in the family of life.
Business that poisons the environment is a hate crime.
There is always a better way to do things.
Spraying poison over cities and on home properties is a hate crime.
There are alternatives to chemical compounds that contribute to the devastation and break down of life.
Owning land and controlling other's right to live there is a hate crime.
Something different can be done.  For instance, check out this page on bartering for real estate!

NO ONE is disposable.
All beings are indispensable. 


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