
So, you would like to experience Samadhi, eh? Well, it is possible that you may have already done so in a couple of ways! Here are a few things to know about Samadhi: Firstly, what is Samadhi? It is a higher level of concentrated meditation, or dhyāna . In the yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali . It is a non-dulaistic state of consciousness that is often described as "feeling at one". From Sanskrit to English, Samadhi translates from Sama "same/equalized" and dhi , meaning "intellect". Samadhi offers a blameless, unblemished joy that arises from within. Samadhi has 3 different categories that one can experience without leaving the body. As far as the prolonged experiences, you can call that Savikalpa. That is the first stage and easiest to attain. Here you are still capable of guessing, thought, self-awareness and bl...