Attunement on Sunday!!

Where ever you are, there is gold. You are the magickal receiver of the cosmic rays coming in and it's raining gold. Upgrade from a magickal bathtub to a magickal reservoir with me this Sunday for a shaktipat that begins promptly at 12:05 PST The intention is set.

It is happening. All you have to do is lay down for 25 minutes in an attitude of receiving at this time and enjoy this energy as it washes over you. "Shaktipat" is translated as "psychic energy falling upon". Enjoy the shower. It is okay if you are asleep when you get it. You are still receiving it if you agree to let it in. ♥ If you wish to enjoy this attunement WITH me in PDX, - Portland, Oregon. Please show up on time at 11:00 AM @ 4943 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard Portland, OR 97211 to talk with me - Open forum for 15 minutes, practice the Kriyas of elevation followed by! It takes aproximately a half hour to complete the kriyas and meditation. Kriyas do not require "flexibility". Just a sincere, conscious approach. Sounds a lot like life to me! ~*


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