
So, you would like to experience Samadhi, eh?    Well, it is possible that you may have already done so in a couple of ways!  Here are a few things to know about Samadhi:

Firstly, what is Samadhi?  It is a higher level of concentrated meditation, or dhyāna. In the yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali.  It is a non-dulaistic state of consciousness that is often described as "feeling at one".  From Sanskrit to English, Samadhi translates  from Sama "same/equalized" and dhi, meaning "intellect".

Samadhi offers a blameless, unblemished joy that arises from within. 

  Samadhi has 3 different categories that one can experience without leaving the body. 
 As far as the prolonged experiences, you can call that Savikalpa. That is the first stage and easiest to attain. Here you are still capable of guessing, thought, self-awareness and bliss all simultaneously. 
You can still, however observe yourself. It can be translated as "holding onto reality with effort". You don't want samadhi to last for-ev-er until you are ready to leave your body and enter Nirvana. 
It's not about escaping misery and being happy all the time, right?

The next step up is normally only experienced in small bursts, as asamprajñata, which is a higher awareness state with an absence of gross awareness. You can get all states of nirvana by the way,
 by doing things that are not even considered as "yoga", such as running a marathon; transcending your normal mind state, entering an exhilarating bliss that knows no duality or judgement.
 You are that "I am" consciousness. 

The next step up, for instance when Kundalini awakens, you can enter a different samadhi known as Nirvikalpa or sanjeevan is the 3rd type while in the body. 

I experienced a taste of this as a result of my kundalini awakening, as enlightenment has been a life long desire within my heart of hearts. When kundalini awakens, that heart of hearts can be opened
and accessed. You don't want to stay in Nirvikalpa too long unless you are ready to leave the corporeal world.  You will leave the body (mahasamadi), entering Nirvana. I thank fate and the universe that I did not leave my body yet,  because now I can tell about my experiences and share with the world the human potential that we all share to become a supernatural being.  I simply began to "take out the trash" under the guidance of a very intelligent person that I was lucky to be mentored by. & no, he was not Buddhist, never did he say "yoga" or claim to be a guru. He's in fact, a Texan who's identity I will conceal, since I did not ask his permission to share about his influence.  
Thank you, Patanjali for your enlightened writings, which assist us in bringing such a lofty human experience to words and all the Sanskrit translators out there who have made the western comprehension
of all significant ancient Hindu texts possible.   


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