Multidimensional Functioning (I Know YOU Want It!)

What is this Great Ascension every one is curious about?  

A striving to evolve to our next level:  Multidimensional functioning. 
To me, this term is a more explicit way of saying "expanded consciousness".
Multidimensional functioning is the precise aim that all of the world's history
of shamanism, invocations, parapsychologists, spiritual practices, magickans,
 psychic mediums and mystery schools have been alluding to.

All of these practicing groups share the basic concept of interacting
on what we call a more subtle plane of existence, in the aether, prana,
spiritual level.  Such a thing is not readily sensed by those with a grasp
that is exclusively on the material plane; however the general consensus
of reality as we know it is rapidly changing.  According to various sources
including “The Gaia Project” bHwee-Yong Jang, we come from some
galaxies so distant that they are on entirely different resonant planes or
dimensions.   Eventually, after the creation of Earth, many of us came here
to basically attend ”Earth University” and learn “diversity 101”.

Many of us began staying here long enough to get caught up in this vivid and sensual world we now live in.
As we stayed here andadapted, our formerly extremely flexible bodies transitioned into a more ridged
structure.  Ultimately, we are all here to grow andnow it's time to grow up and reclaim our multidimensional
gift.  Life on Earth as we know it is about to change, but there's nothing fearful about this.  Those of you in
health with fortune and blessings to count please understand your worries are superfluous. Humanity
is stepping into its prime and we are all reclaiming our power and birthright as awakened beings.

I feel that the Magnum Opus (great work) is our earthly birthright.  Practicing Yogis, tai chi practitioners,
Taoists, monks, nuns, martial artists and other self-cultivators, you all know this.  Practitioners of self-cultivation
are wealthy in their ability to derive true strength and power and therefore have more significant roles as leaders
 at this moment than any sanctimonious story-teller alive.  Those who know and practice the truth shine with the effulgence thereof.

[Warning to occultists: Invocation is NOT enough unless you count invocation of your True Self.] 
 It is written: "The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his
faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will" - Eliphas Levi (1810–1875)

Just as all plants grow toward the sun, we grow toward our source. 


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