Give Your Self Some Divine Service

That which the personality is *actually* comprised of is seldom understood. We are not how we look, we are not what we do, we are not our habits, we are not this body, what then are we? We are INFINITE mind/soul/consciousness/spirit, yet so often we fearfully and unwittingly intercept that infinity through the impulse to shamefully adorn the naked brilliance of our own woefully underestimated core internal divine being. We think we do our selves a justice by clothing our Shakti (psychic power)/Self in concepts of what/who we are. Ah, but this is how we fall victim to finite, mortal (materialistic/temporal) thought when this (that which is our very Self) is the precise nothing-thought which is vital for so-called enlightenment. So, how do we TRULY realize that which we call the "Self"? By ceasing to identify with and turn to any external for comfort or refuge. This is the so-called "ego death" so many seek. However. Nothing truly goes away. Ego...