Hold Your Ignorance Hostage With Yoga

Hey, you.   Have you ever practiced yoga for the sake of a change of perspective, modification of behavior, and to gain more discipline in your daily actions?  No asana aside from PERHAPS VIPASSANA (the seated practice of abstaining from giving into distraction and doing nothing but observing and employing insight)  will help you to REALIZE YOUR TRUE SELF.
  However, I bet if you imagine  A GUN TO YOUR HEAD, you will start to think a little more critically about the consequences of your chosen attitudes,  how that feeds into perspectives, and affects actions.   Perhaps if you imagine that a bullet will be blasting its way through your skull if you react out of impulse to something you find emotionally TRIGGERING, you may just broaden your view on life.

For instance, do you HATE things that are beyond your control? Do you hate people because of their actions and words?  Well, then you might as well crawl into a hole and not come out until you have a revelation on what the self actually is.  What we are dealing with in this world is DEFILEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY, also known as DISTORTION OF TRUTH.  When the authentic heart is defiled by pain, we do and say hurtful things.  We all have authentic heart/soul/core selves, but we often have words, thoughts, and actions obscuring this authenticity from view, therefore that which is not seen is certainly not understood.  Where did these obscurations come from?  They are conditioned into us by the examples brought upon us by other defiled souls we have grown and developed in the presence of.  It is a cycle of trauma and emotional disease.

Hey yoga teachers.. maybe I'll be relieved of having to experience just how undeniably AWFUL some of you are being, when you get all BUTT-HURT over how few students you have that it affects your drive to teach.  Perhaps then maybe I'll be able to see you as an AUTHENTIC teacher rather than some self-indulgent normal person who just wants to keep their "stress" levels low and butt in nice shape, while taking money from people.   Oh, then you would actually see my smiling face in your class!   Until then, I've had enough.  I've seen enough and you can all teach your workshops and retreats as you continue to drift in a bubble of absolute foolishness.

Personally, I would be HAPPY to be teaching in a yoga studio if the owner or manager could handle that I may be teaching an average of 0-3 people in each class.  I am NOT going to pretend that I teach full rooms like some kind of celebrity, as that is simply not the reality of my experience in my teaching career here in Portland Oregon.

I know what fills yoga studios nation wide IS NOT YOGA but CIRCUS PERFORMANCE PRACTICE.
These fun and benign playful behaviors and actions that we call yoga are also obscuring our view of what the practice can do for us.   Why do we not yet understand why Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha) decided that yoga was not the way for him to attain the levels of realization he sought?  It was not simply because he nearly starved himself in the woods, but because he was STARVING for more authentic way of simply being human, rather than POSING and POSTURING, because all this posing and posturing occurs in many destructive ways in life and asana is only an alternative way of expressing that which is worn as a garment over the true and authentic self that we are. I am confident if you are living in a modern urban society, you have seen a young man in baggy pants and a baseball cap walking across the street with a contrived swagger and a tough sneer.  There is little difference between this and a smiling yoga teacher doing a nice warrior stance in a Lululemon outfit.

REAL ATTRACTS REAL and honestly such bold authenticity as that which I bring is not proving to be on the incline.  Just watch how Portland, OR is becoming more occupied by corporate bodies, bumping small local businesses out of the picture little by little.   That's right... If Portland Oregon residents keep with the passive and introverted behavioral pattern you have been sited and recognized by multi-million dollar corporations to have, your creative flow will be GLEEFULLY SNUFFED OUT!

I am not interested in tailoring my image to please the widest audience as possible, let alone a homogenizing business agenda, because that would mean that I would have to carry on in an artificial and contrived manner and this is simply a disservice to myself and the world that would put me back into the ranks of "everyone else", as far as I see it.

Honestly if that happens, might as well pull that trigger.


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