Reclaiming Yogic and Tantric Oneness

Alluring Venus energy comes with the Shakti.
It is black tantric dark attractiveness... 
Black never TRULY meant bad, though.

This is just crazy emotional hyperbole talk which has developed over time from the constraints and regulations that were imposed after rulers saw the effects of the raw power of liberated joyfully fearless lust that could be basically leveraged over the laypeople. ...So they had to make a few adjustments... Forbidding certain acts and behaviors. 

Krishna = charisma
Kali = black
Krishna and Kali---although these names are often associated with particular gender and appearance depictions, the two are interchangeable qualities of the one personality of godhead.

It is an blasphemous abomination to divide schools of thought such as Tantra and Yoga into factions.

Frankly I find it ironic that this fact is not more widely understood, as it clearly goes against rational reason. I even feel a little silly having to say two different things for two practices which spill right into each other like the cups held by the hermaphroditic angel on the Temperance card of the Tarot! 

 Lo! There is but one fluid being transferred between cups, 
even if there may have appeared to be two to begin with! 

Why would a practice of oneness and union need to be separated into different schools of thought?


There is a natural separation of "ways to arrive" when we approach an individual mind with its unique obstacles and impressions for the purpose of psychic purification (also known as affecting positive change for the attainment of reclaiming the elemental balance of emotional health we were born with). This is why we can not always impose the same methods of inspiring the mind to break free of the bonds which perpetuate delusion.

Those who have merely realized only enough to become a wisenheimer know-it-all pest believe they have created a "new system" or an "improvement" on something they are yet to fully grasp and thereby embody.

The saying "one plus one is two" makes sense in normal thinking, except for that regarding mahamudra tantric realization.

We call it "logic" to say the power Mata Shakti who dwells in the pelvis, and is "black".

Darkness is the appearance of that which is inside of every being and every thing, as void is the essential nature of all.  We perceive voidness in more vast quantity than we may want to realize---as the field of space, that which we see when we close our eyes, and where our minds go in deep dreamless sleep.  It is the driving force behind desire.  We desire to cover this void, as not understanding that which we only have a have a vague and nebulous subliminal sense of inspires fear---so we invent and embellish over it, to fill it; to flee from it.   

This "blackness" is so potent in its presence that we have labeled it "evil" or "bad", as its power has been known and exploited throughout the ages of humanity, only to be obscured and then rise again.

In Tantric Mahamudra Realization,
ONE plus ONE equals ONE.
There is no evil or bad.
No shame.

Yoga in a yoga studio most often only addresses the Anamaya Kosha (nourishment/physical body) and Pranamaya Kosha (vital energy body), which often stimulates but does not penetrate the Manamaya kosha (Mental/emotional body). Mind-penetration requires more critical thought. Without this aspect of deeply contemplative focus, you are not TRULY practicing yoga. You will not become adept at accessing and deriving the elevating and empowering benefits of the next body.

That is the Anandamaya kosha. Anandamaya Kosha holds the bliss of being in Harmony with the instincts and thereby delivers us to Vijnanamaya kosha---Embodiment, where we may anchor our thoughts in that which is Brahmic consciousness. Thereby samadhi may be experienced with ease in meditation, contemplation, and eventually every day elevated thoughts that one has grown to prefer over, well, the alternative. Normal socially and media-hypnosis conditioned garbage.


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