Give Your Self Some Divine Service

That which the personality is *actually* comprised of is seldom understood. We are not how we look, we are not what we do, we are not our habits, we are not this body, what then are we?  We are INFINITE mind/soul/consciousness/spirit, yet so often we fearfully and unwittingly intercept that infinity through the impulse to shamefully adorn the naked brilliance of our own woefully underestimated core internal divine being.  We think we do our selves a justice by clothing our Shakti (psychic power)/Self in concepts of what/who we are.  Ah, but this is how we fall victim to finite, mortal (materialistic/temporal) thought when this (that which is our very Self) is the precise nothing-thought which is vital for so-called enlightenment.

So, how do we TRULY realize that which we call the "Self"?
By ceasing to identify with and turn to any external for comfort or refuge.
This is the so-called "ego death" so many seek.  However.  Nothing truly goes away.  Ego is simply a concept you hold in your mind. You will begin to meet your true self once you cease to rely upon the things which you only think you need, yet do not truly require for survival.

A break from "seeking" must happen.  Often we call this vipassana.  This is the practice of witnessing all as it truly is---that is through witnessing thoughts, words, attitude, behavior and even subsequent dynamics in motor movements.  This practice can not be described as either pleasant or unpleasant, as it is different for each individual based on skill level.  It is frequently vital that in this process we have a competent guide who we can truly be safe with, that is someone who can be humble even when bearing advanced and elevated  teachings so that we may relinquish the impulse to be defensive.

We must feel safe enough to fully trust and surrender the urge to compartmentalize the identity as anything any more "specialized" than a person.  Once this obstacle of false self (ego) is conquered, the smoke clears and before you stands the True Self (ego) in all its benevolent and ecstatically infinite glory and as a result true compassion is experienced.

So, I say that Ego does not exist, because false ego plus true ego equals no ego.   This true self has been known throughout the ages of humanity, deified and worshiped.  However once we aspire to an image, we have already lost the focus of self realization. Once we separate that which we are from God/dess, we can go one of two ways,  where we can find a way to become more intimate with and attain union in the divine mind through sincere japa (repetition of sacred names and sounds) and dhyana (deep meditative contemplation) or we place a barrier between ourselves and the divine, only begging for scraps outside the gates of illuminated consciousness praying that we may one day be worthy.   Well, that worthiness comes from our own carefully minded attitude .

Yoga is union after all, from the word yuj which means "yoke"... we can not realize without acknowledging why we even call this practice "bhakta (service to God) yoga".  We can not yoke to our divine selves if part of our bhakti  practice is not loving the nature of the being that we are, both spirit and flesh.  Both sides of the being must be known, and embraced through the surrender of complete acceptance---the good "angelic" purely subtle self and the "naughty" purely primal  physical self.  This is why Swadyaya is not simply "self study", it is "scriptural study" as well, as scriptural study  helps us to come into alignment with that expansive mind which we are reaching to embrace---as we address the capacity of our own beings to accommodate for such expansion.

Katherine YogaMayi is presently teaching Saturdays at 4:30 at As You Wish PDX alongside Sprout Zirk Du Fiasco

~~Vipassana Retreat~  for locations, dates and arrangements.~ email


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