My Latest Observations - AUSTRALIA UPDATE

World peace is possible, but each of us are required to give birth to it.  Breathe life into the world that is you, through right conduct, recovering your power-- your true self.  When we can embody truth, we can positivly impact our community.  However, in the process, we must understand that which we call "drama".  

Life is full of struggles, however we often tend to focus in on when these struggles are poorly handled, and call it "drama".  No. Grumpy Kat says "NO"!  This is an unconstructive dead end dispute.   Drama is necessary for human progress.  This is why it is so easy for us to rationalise and readily defend the importance in the creative consciousness outpourings of others, known as theater, cinema, and books.  We are placing our own stories on the backburner in favor of other people's mental products.   We are hindering our own ability to tap into the innate revelatory and powerful psychic potential locked within each of us.

True real life drama gives us opportunity to grow in so many ways when we handle it correctly.

This is a little story-- an exerpt from my recent update on our world peace project:

In our attempts to build community, we are challenged by variously painful ignorant responses.   Silence and kindness can be missunderstood as a weakness.  When the truth arises abruptly to break the silence in an interpersonal exchange, it is often improperly received as irritant, or insult.  This is most often a communication and understanding error that can be traced to the messenger delivering the truth not appropriately preparing the one on the receiving end.

If we had enough money to start up work, hosting retreats in locations, say such as Hawaii and Bali, we would have no problem with people's judgements and assumptions about us just having some kind of "lazy holiday".   

 Critical, albeit distorted judgements can hurt social relations and interactions on the homestead, as we attempt to not spend more finances than we essentially need to.  

In the business world, let me tell you where our combined head is at...  We are most interested in marketing our combined skills as LIVING MEDICINE- eventually in the department of the most appropriated harmony with the nature of self realized pure mind and true nature, through Sattvik living via yoga, Tao, and consciously prepared vegan cuisine.



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