Yoga is Yoga

Yoga is yoga.  No matter what name any one person decides to assign to the asana practice they chose to share, please understand an individual who is inspired to create their own form of yogasana* is coming from a place of limited (not infinite) understanding on the conceptual scope and depth of yoga.  This is not necessarily bad.  It is, however an act and commitment to selling a physically focused specialisation, which constricts the potentials of humanity to the physiological world.  This focus swells the idea of flexibility and fancy workout clothes to the point of it appearing (especially to the beginner) to be a central focus.  This branding of this largely underestimated sacred beast is in its nature a distortion in yoga's unification message. 

 When you find the yoga practice that is fully appropriate for your wellbeing, you have found your teacher---you will have found your self. 

*yogasana- the little part of yoga that has to do with the movement, postures, and aditudes of the physical body.


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