
Showing posts from July, 2015

Why Is Yoga Not Enlightening?

 I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and I am now 34, on my way to Bali to share thoughts and approaches to yoga with you in a new context, on topics that, for various reasons have long become esoteric.    Have you been feeling disenchanted with yoga?  Do you have a strong personal practice, yet are feeling kind of well, like you have hit a wall?  A platform that leaves you with a sinking "lost" feeling?  Is there a little voice inside you, screaming to be released from some kind of stagnation that you can not quite pinpoint?   Why are we not gaining profound supernatural powers from our practice?  Does this mean enlightenment is some kind of myth or not for you in this lifetime?  Are supernatural powers truly limited only to special effects on a TV show or movie?   No.   They say the truth hurts... so please do brace yourself for some potentially stinging discomfort.   The truth is that we have evolved---poo...

Word Tantra Gets the Kinks Out

This example of human ignorance, shared by a fellow Facebook user served as inspirational nudge for me to write down the following thoughts today.  Such thoughts result from not only years of meditation,  but a lifetime of dedicated examination of both ones own self and sacred scriptures (Swadyaya) that come with the Raja Yoga practice.    Dear friends, I have been thinking about teaching some WORD TANTRA to people who get all turned on by the word "tantra"---mostly since the word "discrimination" is being discriminated against and the idea of judgement is now fully "negatized".  Yes, I have to make up a new word to describe the result of large masses of human minds associating righteousness to the twisted words crafted into religious scripture -Specifically the book we call "The Holy Bible". Does any one else think perhaps some kind of "black magick" is happening due to a high number of humans reciting these distorted ...

What Are You Laughing About?

Ha! Ha! Ha!  Have you been getting your giggles lately or has it been challenging to chuckle? We have all been in those situations where we perhaps find ourselves laughing nerviously  from time to time,  often to abait discomfort, or even catching and joining a wave of warm  laughter at a party, which can smooth out feelings of social awkwardness.  HA is a primal sound  that has come to be identified as a healing mantra (mind-tool) for our throat.   This explains why we laugh at the funniest jokes, that is, the ones based on truth.   Speaking the truth is incredibly healing, as it is yet another way to participate in your own personal constructive inner war on cleansing the skank.  Our hearts must be cleansed by admitting falsehood, weakness, and error, if we want to have trustworthy intentions and be able to see with our hearts, speak from our hearts, and love all others. Do you agree about the practice of laughi...

Is Spiritual Meat Eating an Oxymoron?

Those of you who are accustomed to my writings may have come to notice  that I can have the tendency to be provocative and share disturbing data.  Now that the Occupy movement is openly admitting failure, expressing that we need to innovate our protests, to avoid leaning on social media, they have asked for a miracle.  Allow me to present to you my innovative technique of protest... It is my personal interest (whether or not you share it with me is up to you) to do the following: CLEANSE THE SKANK. A lesser known secret about Mary Magdalene, the consort of Christ,  is that she was attempting to halt the meat trade, as we have been given plants for our meat. [If the Bible explains that eating meat is wrong, then what is the proper thing to eat?  Genesis  (1.29) clearly states: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yieldi...