Is Spiritual Meat Eating an Oxymoron?

Those of you who are accustomed to my writings may have come to notice 
that I can have the tendency to be provocative and share disturbing data. 

Now that the Occupy movement is openly admitting failure, expressing that we need to innovate our protests, to avoid leaning on social media, they have asked for a miracle. 
Allow me to present to you my innovative technique of protest...

It is my personal interest (whether or not you share it with me is up to you) to do the following:


A lesser known secret about Mary Magdalene, the consort of Christ,
 is that she was attempting to halt the meat trade, as we have been given plants for our meat.
[If the Bible explains that eating meat is wrong, then what is the proper thing to eat? Genesis (1.29) clearly states: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." This makes it quite obvious that the recommended food for human beings is herbs, seeds, grains, and fruits. ~ source ~ ]
Killing is always possible, but there is no necessity to kill animals---they do not defy good nature.
Join the meatless movement and thrive.

If you want to effectively bring down the wealthy and clean up the environment? 
Clean up your diet and abstain from meat.
Increase your intake of a variety of healthy produce.
Do what you can to avoid eating processed packaged foods 
(low nutrition) and try to choose organic.
The billion dollar meat industry is destroying our environment, contributing to 
climate change, and tainting raw produce with E-COLI, due to practices like this:

Spraying the fields with shit sauce is more common than you may like to think. 

Finally, here is a little check-in on the present irrationality of so-called religion:
  Jewish "Kosher", Islamic "Hallal", Hindu (etc.) "sacrifice" and Buddhist "taking alms food" 
does not justify chopping up the sweetest, most innocent people on earth.  It should now be obvious That honour, esteem, and compassion have settled to the bottom of the barrel of life.  

I am sure you are tired of foreign concepts of "end times", but the Vedas really have no true "End", and merely changes from one cycle onto the next.  Now that the world is moving out 
of the Kaliyuga (dark, degraded age) and into the  Satyayuga (age of truth), also known as the Golden Age, it is time to truly change so we can return to pure & true love! 


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