Word Tantra Gets the Kinks Out

This example of human ignorance, shared by a fellow Facebook user
served as inspirational nudge for me to write down the following thoughts today. 
Such thoughts result from not only years of meditation, but a lifetime of dedicated examination of both ones own self and sacred scriptures (Swadyaya) that come with the Raja Yoga practice.  

Dear friends, I have been thinking about teaching some WORD TANTRA to people who get all turned on by the word "tantra"---mostly since the word "discrimination" is being discriminated against and the idea of judgement is now fully "negatized".  Yes, I have to make up a new word to describe the result of large masses of human minds associating righteousness to the twisted words crafted into religious scripture -Specifically the book we call "The Holy Bible".

Does any one else think perhaps some kind of "black magick" is happening due to a high number of humans reciting these distorted (face it: perverted) passages? Now people have gotten into the habit of denying a universal process of thought---denying their very own consciousness to flow freely, using words against each other to inSINuate neuropathy (insanity/madness) or wrongness in the other. This is the phenomenon which ultimately promotes violence (just ask this guy) and negatively polarised thought patterns.  

We, however CAN unlearn bad habits, if we begin to entertain the idea that we are NOT our habits, words, perceptions, or behavior, and humor the possibility that we are looking at things incorrectly.
[For the sake of my own accountability:  Am I looking at life incorrectly?  Perhaps so, but I'll keep writing from my present heartfelt perspective for the sake of your personal/social/digital curation.]

Here is your Word Tantra Mahamudra (great presiding true nature) in summary: Words are not entirely negative, nor entirely positive.  Words are arrangements of letters that all of us have developed intimate emotional associations and connotations to.  These associations and connotations can go both ways---"negative" or "positive".  As a result, these words can cause people to MAGICALLY respond impulsively to them, much as dogs following a command from the master. The lower our mental/emotional intelligence/health levels are, the quicker we are prone to react out of confusion.

Does it matter to you if we all either LOOK AT each other blandly with glazed-over eyes or condescendingly with suspicion, annoyance, and disgust, rather than GAZE INTO the other with love?  Are you cool with not applying the proper discernment that brings us clarity of truth and the fulfilling divine ecstatic love of the cosmic Mother that fills our whole beings, rather than that which lingers upon our crotches?

The love of which I speak is the love which has been lost and buried long ago when our ancient ancestors groomed their daughters as whore-priestesses, adorned so generously with the sacred duty to sexually proffer themselves to the men who approached the temples in the name of the Goddess.  We like to say "sacred prostitute" or promote the idea of "sacred sex" in hope that it promotes a more "complete" sense of oneness... YES. we STILL have a nasty proclivity to want to protect this filth, which truly does not help us find fulfilling love.  It only promotes detached hearts to act out of promiscuity.  You will NOT lose your MOJO through monogamy if you and your beloved are aligned with truth.  Not "your" truth, not society's "truth", not your church's "truth", THE truth.   There should not be anything intimidating, lofty, or elitist about reality.  It just is what it is.  We can either go with it or be against it, but once we subscribe to anything but the plain, simple, real truth, we become delusional.

If the powers that preside over us can warp our perception to make the good look bad, the bad look good, black appear white, and white appear black, We have a very deeply entrenched issue --- Clearly, all this says to me is that unwholesome forces have been disempowering our experience here; degrading the quality of life on earth for the sake of illusory power (not true power).  Growth in the psychic and spiritual experiences here is the true nature of our evolutionary birth right. The human being is an evolutionary nexus on planet earth.  We do not need to evolve anything about our earthly form.  We must evolve our psychic faculties. However, we are being kept away from this goal we all share, put in fearful "religion" boxes, that disenfranchise us from humanity.  We are taught that our birthright of embodying the great spirit is some kind of "mysticism", which is not for everyone. This is complete and utter BS.  No one is better.  We are all privileged with the potential to expand ourselves to the heights of heaven's rapture.


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