Why Is Yoga Not Enlightening?

 I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and I am now 34, on my way to Bali to share thoughts and approaches to yoga with you in a new context, on topics that, for various reasons have long become esoteric.   

Have you been feeling disenchanted with yoga?  Do you have a strong personal practice, yet are feeling kind of well, like you have hit a wall?  A platform that leaves you with a sinking "lost" feeling?  Is there a little voice inside you, screaming to be released from some kind of stagnation that you can not quite pinpoint?  Why are we not gaining profound supernatural powers from our practice?  Does this mean enlightenment is some kind of myth or not for you in this lifetime?  Are supernatural powers truly limited only to special effects on a TV show or movie? 

 No.   They say the truth hurts... so please do brace yourself for some potentially stinging discomfort.   The truth is that we have evolved---poorly.   Instead of embodying the nature of the truth and cultivating our "psychic" sensibilities and instincts, we have all collectively become our own obstacles.    

We are often staying “safe” in our present condition of image and impression-centric conduct, rolling over in apathy with the excuse to not bother with the journey of enlightenment (“Maybe next lifetime”)…. Well, what if I told you that this is it? 

Kids, don't let this happen to you! 

Clearly there is a HUGE gaping hole in yoga that keeps our souls from reaching true santosha (satisfaction).  What kind of yoga (union) are we all experiencing here on planet Earth anyway, if we are still left with a sense of incompleteness?  Why are we are feeling unfulfilled in this practice- in our very humanity?   We are dealing with a broken machine,  but do not worry!  We are learning about what is broken in this machine's components now and this is indeed the end.

The end of an era, that is.  As the new era starts up, we will be breaking THROUGH our own truth and finding THE truth.   However, the truth will not be handed to us, and we must open our own minds to it.  There are a few, soon to be more, who can lead us to clear waters--however no one can make our horsies drink.  This is the rejuvination of True Purity---that is, the purification of hearts and minds, via the truth. 

Am I the only one who is revolted by the fact
 that many people have stopped believing in truth 
and instead now "accept" is an illusion?

We must entertain new thoughts and ideas in regard to our own character and assessments of ourselves, our world, and those around us.  Do feel free to allow this to replace any fearful or otherwise icky personal ideas and concepts on "judgement day".   All too often, we fail to find an environment, let alone headspace where we feel safe enough to purge our minds of, well straight up defilement, filth, and garbage that weigh upon us as a result of a life of deceptive behaviour.  

We can not feel too ashamed of this, as such a dwelling place in our heart will never help us and it is not our fault we have fallen into so degraded a state.  It is the result of successive generational SKANK (seriously should be the new word for karma).  This is indeed the end of the Kali Yuga and You have a sincere friend in me, my partner, and my colleagues who are here to help guide us to the true power of good nature, the one universe, the one truth, and the renewal of the discourse of living practical dharma.  

Dharma, you may think is a “buddhist” concept. You may not quite “click” over to getting it just by reading my words, but belive me, the unbreakable true law of nature is no religious thing.  It is us.


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