The Occult Arts and Biology of Altruism (Giving Kindness)

Oh altruism... how we want you in our lives, and how we risk severe punishment when we exercise you....

How did the occult (hidden) arts got their start?  If we share the good stuff, the juicy bits, the secret stash, the source of excellence too freely (whether or not it is out of the kindness of our heart), we can lose respect and public favour to the negative reactions of those who do not understand the benefit of "new information" (bigotry is bigger than we think).  When those who *DO* comprehend the benefit of knowing things that are otherwise kept secret acquire the information, the altruistic, magnanimous sharing soul will subsequently lose their superior edge over others. Loose lips sink ships!  In this case, your own good ship of wisdom puts you a strategic and psychic step ahead of every other walk of life.... Or at least it did.

Everyone wants to have the upper hand.  Everyone wants the stronger more accomplished soul to fall backwards into a degraded rank, to come down to the level that is easier to reach in order to feel more relaxed and in control about concealing (rather than healing) shortcomings.  We want to be the best, to win, and gain benefits out of life.  Esoteric (uncommon) knowledge stays esoteric due to the benefit it brings the individual or private party.  The most useful esoteric information is rooted in True Knowledge, as opposed to "mysticism" (whatever that is).  True Knowledge (and the true conduct associated to it) is highly uncommon, due to the vulnerability that honesty causes in a world of opportunity, where we seize what we can for our selves.  We all must do it (gather information and resources to satisfy needs), whether it is to feed our selves and our family, or to simply keep up good appearances and win approval from our friends and community.  Altruism looks good on paper, sharing resources can raise moral, keep others alive, bring communities together, but be careful about how you share. In the grand biological scheme of things, it can be a sacrifice of ones own vitality.


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