Big Lesson on Spirit Realm & Giving to God

Just in time for the approach of Samhein, Halloween, and the Day of the dead.... Here comes a DOOZY about the spirit realm, complete with dark scary ghost stories!
Make yourself a cup of hot cocoa and prepare to be thrilled, chilled, entertained, and potentially a little more sensitive to your connection to and position in the universe around you.....

I just returned to the United states from a month in Bali, in the magical spiritual village of Balian! Well, all of bali is quite magical and spiritual, but Balian is the place of the mystics and magical healers. Have you ever wondered how so many Eastern cultures all over the world who live in "poor developing countries" are able to remain so selfless, loving, happy, and caring toward others?  
How can people who live in conditions that many westerners revile as dirtier and beneath the quality of our standards be so happy go lucky? When we might feel like we are caught in a panic, struggling in a desperate situation due to having a low income, Easterners in spiritual countries so-called "developed" countries are psycho-spiritually thriving.  

If you have ever gotten outside of the United States, you may have noticed how these spiritual cultures remain calm, warm, sincere, and make the time to be hospitable to outsiders. What is it really that helps them find within themselves the capacity to be so kind, honorable and generous, even when they are considered "poor"? I have found for myself that it most likely has something to do with how the materialistic aspects of their culture interface with the spirit world.
I realised the other night, while talking over a dinner of Gado-Gado (vegetables, tofu, tempe, and rice) at a night market with a delightful Italian-Indonesian family who run a cart at a night market, why human beings benefit from offering foods to ALL of spirit (ancestors, demons, god, all being, good, evil, no exception.)---all the while talking about Maslow's hierarchy of needs ... I had a stunning revelation. It is really quite simple.
We can all agree on he established common knowledge that food is the first thing we all need so that we may have strength enough to elevate ourselves on some degree, that is, to gather the energy to continue on, to work and act in the world and accomplish our goals of self betterment (however we view this).  We can all also agree no matter what culture we are from, that sharing a meal is a very important activity for experiencing positive experiences with those who are near and dear to us. Well, guess what? Spirits also like to be invited, welcomed, and assured that they are appreciated.  
The Jewish traditions provide a demonstration of this through Passover dinner, inviting the spirit of the Prophet Elijah to the Sedar dinner. We can always do much more, as creative beings however.
Why invite only one famous person over for just one "special" night when you can be in spiritual celebration when ever you choose?
I think we can all agree that spirit-being is no longer capable of the use of free will in the material world to acquire a single solitary thing, yet (in my opinion) every-one, even so-called demons inevitably find their way to wanting to be better. I highly doubt we'll ever see a sandwich make and eat itself, or a glass lift and empty itself into space. Sure. This might seem funny, but perhaps this is why we find humour in the idea of offering our good stuff to the space between all things? It seems like a waste, right? Well, everything has a sacred and spiritual and therefore elevated side.  
Elevation does not make you BETTER than another.  It simply makes you more connected to spirit-source which can make you appear weird, unusual, altered, abnormal, or even intoxicated to others. Well, you may simply in actually be too natural for them or even supernatural---above natural.  
  Here is a ghost story:

I originally started doing paranormal investigation as a child here and there with friends. I started studying myth, magick, and mystery at age 9, and eventually it evolved into playing with pendulums, playing with Ouija or oracle Board here, Late night cemetery photographs, there.. and a little bit of automatic writing. However, it was years later in Los Angeles that I had decided to join an actual Paranormal Investigation group.  

This was immediately following an investigation I called for the group to do at my home where my former partner and I had a very thrilling experience in our Van Nuys apartment, of all places. I had a disagreement with my partner coming back from the Asian market and in response to feeling so disrespected by me, he threw my groceries into the street. Dismayed, once we got home I sat down for a serious ultimatum talk.   "We have GOT to stop FEEDING THE DEMON.". As soon as I said this, I immediately saw a shadowy horned face out of the corner of my eye, as if it had suddenly poked its head out of the wall. ("Ridiculous coincidence", I thought.) "Yeah, you're right." stated my ex. "Okay, I'm going to make dinner now." I stated, as I walked to the kitchen and began making red bean soup. Only under 5 minutes had passed and suddenly my ex exclaims "Katherine, there is something BLACK floating around in our room!" I hesitated, then walked a couple steps in the direction of our room and then something very unusual suddenly happened. The room became a little bit warmer, I felt a sense of pressure in the air, and the front door which was dead-bolted shut opened violently.

We called a paranormal investigation group, which came in with instruments and basically proved a spirit presence was there, making DVDs move forward on our shelf, they swore at it, excited it, and it even visibly manifested as a dark cloud behind a man who began to speak about how he was feeling odd. We all simultaneously told him to move because we saw it. No one could confirm how many spirits were there. It seemed like more than one and there was no way we could think to stop feeling psychologically messed up about it (like we were going crazy). We ended up placing obsidian anointed with myrrh oil in the "hot spot" and moving out at the end of the lease.

Choosing to be adventurous, rather than damaged by the experience, I joined this paranormal group and we had an interview with a spirit in a Hollywood Hills Sushi restaurant called Yamishiro. We were all in a dark basement room; once a private bowling alley for the owner, now converted into storage... 
We were down there talking to a spirit on a device called the Frank's Box.... "Where are you?" the interviewing investigator asked. "I'm home", said a creaky voice, amid the random off-channel radio frequencies. People in the room reported feeling the hair on the backs of their necks standing on end. "What is happening?" Asked the investigator. "I'm scared.", said the voice.  
....Well so were we.  
Do we simply stay stuck in a destitute space if we die in one, or is there more to it?  
Might part of the duty of being a human being be to effectively serve to elevate spirit and the space around us to build an atmosphere of support and love for other beings? A giving to spirit is giving it to all.
The Clean, Guiltless Power of Bloodless Sacrifice
Just giving up a little rice, a few flowers, a piece of fruit... Sometimes even these things can be eaten later. Just let it sit for a while in a special spot you have reserved for offering. Let it sit as long as you want. For an hour of meditation, prayer, mantra, thought, for a day, for three days. Just don't forget your place of offering. Keep it a happy space. Feeding space? Yeah. Basically.

The universe is expanding, by the way and we might as well grow with it.

We are all familiar that we can at least give thanks for the food we will eat in a little silent prayer and that seems at least less insane to our western heads. What if I told you we could get even more out of spirit, if we simply give a little more. To give or offer up does not have to mean to quit. To let go does not mean we are weak. Let go, let goodness flow... If everyone gives, someone else always receives.
We can get more good out of ourselves each day, if we just put forth more effort to lift one other up, rather than take from another or have our way with someone which we have deemed as weaker.  
The psyches of animals that are raised and murdered for the benefit of those who have erected the system of live stock trade have a spiritual effect on us all, as we feel that some kind of ominous thing that is poised to murder us looms over us. An elevated understanding of higher expressions of material objects, phenomena, physical acts, reflecting and realising "as above, so below" in the greater cosmos inspires a human being to realise of the necessity of non-harm.  

Abattoir consciousness and the chilling spiritual fallout of emotional apathy in regard to the suffering of others and nourishes fear, keeping us penned up, wide eyed, dazed in want of understanding, and dreading the end of the line as we continue to eat from a trough of dirty food.
Sacrifice was the excuse to kill animals for meat and make money, but how much does sacrifice (murder, no matter what you say) help the spiritual realm? To benefit spiritually, no slaughter is necessary. We must simply give honour and appreciation, so that it spreads out from our heart to all beings, destroying our fears, our sadness, and our envy.
A desire to rise, to "come up" is present and real in everything, even the lower realm.
When we are sad, sick, depressed... Where can we go from there? Nowhere but toward wellness, upward to health and toward the light of truth. If we cannot get better, we leave this material plane and must rely on the activities of those who are aware of them.
The growing popularity of this manner of energy art Illustrates o us the growing awareness of this spiritual/material link.We are inseparable from spirit---Physical beings, temporarily imbued with the powers of the cosmos, proportionate to how open we are to it.
Now imagine yourself as a spirit. Imagine being trapped in a glass box, witnessing the activities of not only physically embodied animals, but the most powerful and adaptable creatures we know of; human beings. Perhaps you may experience on some level (if not in clear vision, a dim sense of) those human beings not noticing you or--- worse yet, not wanting to believe you are there. You are just stuck in this glass box along side beings of flesh and bones, full of flickering nerves, pumping hearts and rushing blood, as they move their magnificent bodies, enjoying flashy jewels, designer clothes, salons, massages, food, Yoga, Qigong, sex, etc... 
When we believe in spirit, we are more obviously affected.When we do not believe, still we are affected, although it is subtle and psychological. There is no true and real way to divorce ourselves from this other world.

Spirits most certainly can be affected by our minds and vice-versa. Higher vibration beings like dewas (devas), which in the West we commonly call "angels", can elevate OUR spirits(/heart/mind/senses) when we meditate upon them, chant to, pray to, or invoke them. When we offer them flowers, light candles, give Appropriate treats/foods, and burn incense for them... 

The others whom we consider "bad" and "evil"? Well, who can say where they are from, who they are and what their ultimate purpose is? Everything has a divine purpose, as all is a product of the one God which creates all things. if we are fearful, ignorant , and angry, about things we do not understand, our own psyche will pull on us in non-constructive ways, making us ill on many levels. The spirits around us will be disenfranchised by our condemning manner and as a result we feel so very alone and sad.  
[I presently feel that the western idea of ​​"spirit influence" is not very grounded and is Often a cop-out for unexamined living.] ....
We talk about how bad it is to judge all the time, while we fail to judge between true and false. When you come to Bali, if you do come to Bali, please try not to go the way of a typical western tourist, wandering the market in Kuta for something to buy that will make you feel better about your self.
 You can shop everywhere for things, but can you shop for deeper understanding of life 
or a more open heart? Please, I seriously BEG you..... Do not avoid that which is foreign 
and hard to understand, for the sake of comfort-habits.  GROW and learn, always. Everywhere.
Just get out of your own way and actually TRY to understand!  
The Balinese people are here to help. If you are searching for something sexy to wear so you feel good about yourself in such a spiritual place, there is some loving, non-condemning judging of your self that you may really want and need to do for the sake of actual self betterment. 

Break free of your own comfort-seeking habits, get uncomfortable. Say hello to a local person and connect to their heart. See, witness, experience, and learn a new way to be, so that you may be a better you.

Every positive, loving, giving thing we do helps to elevate in the grand scheme. Food, the base need of all creatures is a highly appreciated gesture. So, next time you are wondering why you are alone and depressed, ask the spirits around you if there is anything you can do for them, because, guess what? There most certainly is and they will remind you that you are not alone. Awaken fearlessly to the spirit realm! Boo! Here comes Halloween!

No one needs "Christmas" pressures to dictate how to go about the spirit of giving. 
We will NOT get into heaven through a checkout lane.
May your very presence be a living blessing, may you ever be surrounded by beauty, love, and perfection, may your every step be a kiss upon the earth, your every word be a prayer of love and health.  As my dear friend Kate Anderson so aptly says, "Be your own miracle".
There is no true danger or risk to ourselves that we take by participating in the activity of demonstrating our appreciation for the light, by taking it a step beyond simply talking about it.  
Take action and see just how very good, comforted, and warmed inside you will feel by the very air that surrounds you.

Now, here is some simple advice on how to make your own spirit-honouring ritual: 

This can be as simple as honoring friends who have passed on, for what you have learned and gained from them. Create a small "shrine" for those who have gone to the beyond. Put up a photo of them, or if you do not have a photo, simply hold them fondly in your mind... The Balinese people have unmarked spirit altars all over, where it simply "holds space" for that intention to offer. Simplicity can go a very long way. Light a candle and/or burn incense, offer flowers, or something that will not smell bad if you leave it out for a day or longer (if it is food insure that it is free of eggs, milk, or meat--). Whole fruits are simple and easy. Think about health.  
A blank spirit altar, common to Bali, Indonesia.
Piled upon this elevated platform are little "plates" made from coconut leaves.
They are commonly made every night so that fresh offerings of rice, candies,
flowers, fruits, and seeds, even cigarettes are given before one engages in daily activities.
Extra offerings are given for weddings and funerals.
Also, lit incense are perched upon the offerings,
Thank them mentally or even in a vocalized prayer for their activities in this world, remembering them fondly---how just like the light of the sun, without them, you would not be here. If they are a deceased friend, how without their presence in your life, you would have never come to know and love them. Make offerings to spirit in love, in gratitude, with honour, and appreciation and you will see how much easier it is for you to love, honour and appreciate everyone around you, for their role in your life, no matter how close or distant you feel that may be.
In Bali, it is not uncommon to also chant the traditional Hindu mantra, the Gayatri, which represents all of the holy Vedas. It is an invocation made during all ceremonies, with several lines following it, which I heard during this last Pices moon where I was invited to participate. Ultimately, the Gayatri is a prayer to the light, so that we may be granted benefit in our meditations, which really in all actuality is everything we do with spirit in mind, whether we are still or in movement. Below is an excellent informative video in regard to its meaning:

Be at peace, be happy, enjoy expansive sense of love toward all of being, physical and spiritual. Please understand, know, and remember: friends don't let friends end up feeling like they have to pray like this.....

....Next up... 

Can you see the Qualities of Your Mother in the Businesses you Give your Money to?

...........Followed by......

The Joys of being Vegan in Colorado


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