Astrology can be used as an extention of Raja yoga, and impetus for us to all practice it, as raja yoga makes Buddhas. :) I will share with you some of my practical working knowledge about the psychic sheaths and how strengthening them can help us. Assessing karmic birth condition is like knowing what is in your cosmic cocktail. It is a fun process, but it can also a little sobering at times. Perhaps we will have amazing realisations from just reading the report, or perhaps we will become upset, feel cheated, hopeless, or be in just plain disbelief. Sometimes we can just laugh at it and it seems totally ridiculous. This can all happen.
It took me months to begin to accept that everything I had thought I was doing just fine in my life could have been done a lot better---In fact I realised that many things that I thought I needed to do, did not not even need to be done. Before I surrendered "my way", I was more angry than I was ready to admit, being rebellious was good because it "protected" me, I had always felt the need to draw, make art, or do something in order to feel sane, and I loved dressing up. These things, I thought were "my thing" and I had no realisation that they had been adapted as coping mechanisms.
Once I decided to start letting go and opening up, I was gradually relieved of pain, pressure, stress, and sorrow beyond my wildest imaginings. I went from emotionally unhealthy and rather delusional and disturbed, to realising my self. I had no idea how far off from understanding the way life is I really was. It was as if the world as I had once known it really did come to an end.
When I gathered the humility and silence to listen to someone who was more skilled then I was, rather than fight him, challenge him, and try to be on top, win, or be right, something miraculous happened. I let go of the phony traits, habitual falsetto voices, play-accents, music, and as much of the false attitude I adopted as I could. I eased at my own pace toward a space of sincerity, where I stopped leaning upon other things outside myself to feel better about the "star sickness" I did not want to know I had. I just knew something about myself was wrong, not good, I did not appreciate it and I was going to do what I could to hide these ugly defective qualities and feelings about myself. The abominations.... The affliction... I had no idea how much energy I was really wasting until I learned to let go!
Wadjet, Egyptian symbol of the hypnotically Psychedelic snake goddess, used in the Egyptian Astrology system.Transcendent being, a snake woman with wings. She forms the Eye of Horus and is associated with Bast as well. sacred guardian of the ruler. Learn about your Egyptian, Mayan, Chinese, and more star info. Get on the waiting list through ASTRO MEDICINE & Put in a request today and get ready to learn what it will take for you to stop out your Karma!
Well, as fate would have it, I was meant to realise just what was wrong with me. Oh boy did I realise. No mushroom, acid, peyote, or ayahuasca trip on earth can make you more solidly and clearly see these things than what I experienced. The only way to truly conquer this sense of "something wrong" is the decisive action to be better and meeting that right truthful and powerfully intuitive being who truly strives for clarity, rather than one who is bent on taking advantage of another's weaknesses.
Now 11 years later, I have grown very close in emotional/mental/psychological strength to that man who showed me the way of whole, complete, and unabashed truth. Yes, I have grown to compare quite wonderfully to the master who taught me how to change myself for the better. To trade in "my self" for the true self. If I am not in a state of perpetual bliss, any troubles or drama in my life do not give me real trouble, I have a great realisation instead.
Please understand I was only born this way! None of my journey makes me any better than you.
Sometimes we are put at an advantage that others may view as unfair. Believe me, no matter what anyone is "prophecised" to be or how wealthy anyone is born destined to become, life on earth is always up & down. There is turbulence and life is suffering.  
Two years later after my self realisation experience in 2004, I thought I had found the holy grail within myself that we all must quest for. Yes. I believe I did. We all have this holy grail. Over time I came to realise that we are not born seeing or knowing the location of the Holy grail within us which contains the holy spirit, as we all appear with a cup full of abominations. We are all born with the same mind-body-spirit complex structure. So, we all appear from with a "cup" in our "hand", with the holiness of it being obstructed by undesirable qualities ("abominations").  
My experience points me to a very strong intuitive impression that the answers to our "original sin" is in our astrology. Those weaknesses we were born with are our Astro-affliction.  We can unlock the keys to the heavenly realm of our higher mind and have our own intimate experience of "the good apocalypse", to be reborn in the true world where we live, act, love, and "dance" together in Good Grace. Ah, we can end the delusional state of "the world as we know it" and be reborn into the true world we were truly born into--The world as we explore it.  
Finding your unique need for "rebirthing rites" with Astrological Medicine is not simply something that happens instantly or over night. It is a continual process that must be applied with all seriousness and adopted in life. It becomes more and more possible to clear your karmic debt as you get the hang of it. Also it gets easier and more exciting, more beautiful, and you become more content with your self and blissful as time progresses. WARNING: It is very real and possible that you may find that you need to shift something dramatically in your life, find a way to peacefully break up with him/her, quietly "step away" from some of your friends, or even on occasion, change jobs.Each Astrological reading is an intensive process and takes a week to complete each individual's reading. Once you find out the nature of the karmic residue you are dealing with, I offer you techniques on how to shed the lower artificial/synthetic frequencies, remove karmic residue, strengthen your psychic sheaths and hold a higher light frequency in the vibration of truth.
This Girl Appears  NOV 3, 1980 W. Covina, California
This is a photograph of a very young Metal Monkey. 
A primal Cosmic Seed, born deep in the mysteries, and a little Sekhmet contemplating deeply upon the flower... "There MUST be more" is an primal inborn trait I have. Diving deep into the mysteries I have always been in deep thought.

born in the Week of Depth, naturally exuding magnitism and mystery with a hand full of Libras, and triple Scorpio means all three worlds of mystery (past, present, future)....My feelings and learning capacity simply grow toward infinity. Always examining is mystery.
My problem? Way too big for my britches and have been looking like an elitist brat because there's more to the inborn obsession of "it must mean something", there is "Must be something wrong." in it as well, so I have been able to let this "something wrong" has made me sick in many ways off and on here, when I relate it to the collective with love. 

As I grew up, I came to resist softness, sensitivity, (crying at movies was a big NO!) and, well basically anything that made me feel like I was being image-exploited to please the status quo, like dressed in the above type of cutesy little girl doll costume. I went the opposite way as soon as I could. Once I was not being taken to department stores to get clothes, I chose to wear black. Navy blue would never do. She made me wear a navy sailor's dress. It was black, black, black or nothing at all. Here we see a glimpse of how I developed a neurosis for image, fashion, look, etc. I always felt unusual. As soon as I learned about "goth" culture, that was it. That was me, or so I thought.

I recently read the following Huffington Post article: How to Talk to Little Girls looks... The only reason why I am mentioning is because it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps I lucked out? I heard well-rounded complements from adults from all angles, such as how intelligent I was, including how I looked or dressed, how "pretty" my name was, and how round my eyes are was a big one with our Asian friends as well.

I have always been looking for meaning in everything in my life and world around me.
Like a merciless muckraker, I feel like there has got to be some kind of "dirt" on everything. I think it is the primal leanings I have incarnated with, which is confirmed through my being born as a Mayan "Cosmic Seed". I know dirt is not simply a way to degrade something otherwise "clean". It is what seeds need for their growth. Do read on and you'll find how I have discovered this secret of all tantra just this and how I forged a life of peace and love for myself and everything I touch through it.

Sun in *Scorpio. Attracted to the mysteries, I have always delved deep into mythology, magic, and the supernatural ever since I was a child, going to the library alone to read about dragons, gryphons, and mermaids as if I was trying to connect to my old friends on facebook, reading old poems and folklore. I have always wanted to travel, see the world, experience more cultures... A ravenous sponge for deriving as much information, understanding, and abilities from the environment around me. Born very empathic (sensitive to the hearts & minds of others), and surrounded by depressing tragic events and behaviors beyond my control, I quickly found myself wearing lots of black, listening to sad, dark spooky music, and burying myself in subculture trappings as a means to feel secure. Just hiding under my little darkwave punk rock. Dark and cold. Just how I liked it. Well, as the rest of my astrological journey has predicted, I was destined to be squashed as a scorpion, relinquishing my nostalgia for an inherited symbol, to transform into an eagle and go through the whole destruction-renewal process, to subsequently.....
Moon is in *Libra, which is the place where I like things nice. I love harmony, for us to all get along, to dance, sing, be artistic and play. In fact I'm ridiculously creative. This also grants me some of this unusual capacity to let things that do not seem in balance with truth or justice to simply sink back into the subconscious for later revealing.
*Scorpio in Mercury makes me a chronic investigator and I totally get off from deep philosophical talk. Deep mind is totally the sexiest thing to me in the whole world and I am not afraid to show it. In fact, I have been know to share "TMI". I have also a hard time with not feeling like I am in control of the flow of data and get really bothered when people interrupt each other or me, and I also really dislike when I interrupt them too... often it seems keeps happening everywhere I go.
*Scorpio in Uranus inspires me to have a drive to dig for deep meaning and continually pursue symbolism, metaphor, and magic mysteries with a tireless passion to dive deep. I simply know I will find pearls eventually. If I have not found the meaning or answer, I will innovate, expand my resources and keep going until everything lines up, confirming truth, or is otherwise proven to be nonsense. I may even leave it in the back of my mind for a year or three until it resolves. I do as a matter of fact also seek out and explore new methods of healing as well as different ways to deal with deep-seated emotional problems (hence this Astro Medicine offering).
*Libra in Venus: once again, I love beautiful art and music, I love balance, and I love when everyone gets along harmoniously, but if everyone does not get along, being alone is really just fine. *Mars in Sagittarius: when it comes to moral issues I am motivated to goodness. Not just the bible or society's idea of goodness. Real kick-ass goodness that can not be touched by any one else's opinion. As long as I know I'm good, people can throw slings and arrows all day. This is also why I have decided in this life to be a Yogi.  
*Jupiter in Libra: Although I am great at judging issues and balancing opinions, I have had a hard time making decisions most of my life, but now that I have developed more and I feel like my time is growing shorter, I have grown more driven and decisive. As we age and get wrinkles on our face, these wrinkles naturally begin to smooth themselves out too, if we've not managed to consciously work on them, that is. Relationships have helped me for a long time to make decisions and sometimes those decisions were not always the best. I still do value relationships however and see them as a great teaching tool, no matter how "toxic" they seem. I agree with getting out of the toxic relationship, but also with taking something good from it. 
*Saturn in Libra: Taking a long time to make decisions, methodical and believing in only the highest authority, and also loving everyone. I am committed to my relationships, friend, professional, or intimate partner. I do truly love everyone no matter how the relationship has gone, whether we stay in a relationship or separate. I am capable of loving an individual for the valued child that they are, just as I fully love all other creatures. The love just becomes like a warm blanket, rather than a hot manifesting-oven. *Neptune in Sagittarius: I plumb the world's resources, all cultures, other languages, ancient practices, and pre-existing examples of righteous society, construction, engineering, and thought to find the best solutions, as I strongly desire to refine a vision for the future world where we are all one global family, realising, loving, living, working, and playing together.
Pluto is in Libra: I am relationship-wary, initiation-wary, commitment-wary, "who is this new person"-wary "why do they want to help me?" "Are they going to try to do something negative to me?" I can make myself crazy with apprehension, being overly cautious... Now I see this is how others (especially Westerners) are receiving me. In more Buddhist and Hindu climates I am admired and joyfully questioned, not attacked in a spirit of contest.
Finally, My Northern Node is in Leo: I am a leader-soul. I am a group and community organizer, however, if I do not insist to you how much I appreciate YOU dear reader, and everyone else in my community (for without community, where would a leader be?... simply alone). I will do my best to help you not see me as overbearing, a snob, or carrying some kind of superiority complex. I do simply love you all and want the best, even if I am not yet a perfected being, I do hope you all forgive me, as I forgive and love you.
Now, that being said.... I will tell you the current throes of my Astro-affliction, my star illness, as we are all fools if we assume for our own physician to be in perfect health! I see the apprehension and rebellious chi in those who I am in contact with and I know we all need each other to heal. We can not simply sit alone and "figure it out" for ourselves. We can all heal together by investing a little trust, opening up, and trying. For your sake, please be like a scientist in a lab; do not feel like a test animal. The scientific approach is OPEN-MINDED SKEPTICISM. Question until you find proof. No one is truly "independent" in this world. Even the super-wealthy had to rely upon someone else less wealthy to build the private Jet they fly where ever they please. Still, that super-wealthy individual also must follow the rules of each country they land in.

Blessed Be to Thyne and Thee! xo

Katherine Danielle Russ Yogamayi


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