Break the Spell

 The below image was created for public observation. It not a theory.  It is true.  This conclusion was carefully formed after over 10 years of social, psychological, commercial, and global cultural study.   There is a 1% we have failed to address.  That small percentage can grow literally over night through the love of truth and a little self control.  We just need to know the correct ways to put our foot down and halt a few tempting habits.

Now is the time to shift, but this is how we must do it, DECISIVELY, together as a global family unit.  By transcending any other feelings that are not constructive with LOVE. Not sexual feelings. True love.

The realisation of one's own ignorance is a wonderful thing.  Sure, it stings, but it shows you where you are... try to remember your realisation of error and do not do that again.  Simple.

 If you are waiting for Christ, you are waiting for someone to be your shepherd and lead you to the light of truth.  Not to be confused with simply the truth that we all die.   Minds akin to ours do precisely what "the anointed" does anyway.  That is, lead anyone who wants to find truth to truth and demonstrate how we can  walk on water.  Truth is the only way.  I am not talking about a lie wrapped in a label of truth.  We can all hold levels of light proportionate to our ability to clear ourselves of distortions.

Psycho-spiritual alchemy is the best alchemy, because even gold tarnishes, money you get from selling it goes away, but you will always be imbued with truth once you find it.  It is the truth of being incorrect that is the lead and the truth of correction that makes gold.

Yes, we can break the spell together by redeeming our esteem.
And this can only happen through the Love of Truth.
We must always love truth, no matter how it stings.

Do not wait for a single human being to save you.
God helps those who help themselves and it will always be this way.


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