
Showing posts from 2012


So, you would like to experience Samadhi, eh?    Well, it is possible that you may have already done so in a couple of ways!  Here are a few things to know about Samadhi: Firstly, what is Samadhi?  It is a higher level of concentrated meditation, or  dhyāna . In the yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the  Yoga Sūtras  of  Patañjali .  It is a non-dulaistic state of consciousness that is often described as "feeling at one".  From Sanskrit to English, Samadhi translates  from Sama "same/equalized" and dhi , meaning "intellect". Samadhi offers a blameless, unblemished joy that arises from within.    Samadhi has 3 different categories that one can experience without leaving the body.   As far as the prolonged experiences, you can call that Savikalpa. That is the first stage and easiest to attain. Here you are still capable of guessing, thought, self-awareness and bl...

Attunement on Sunday!!

Where ever you are, there is gold. You are the magickal receiver of the cosmic rays coming in and it's raining gold. Upgrade from a magickal bathtub to a magickal reservoir with me this Sunday for a shaktipat that begins promptly at 12:05 PST The intention is set. It is happening. All you have to do is lay down for 25 minutes in an attitude of receiving at this time and enjoy this energy as it washes over you. "Shaktipat" is translated as "psychic energy falling upon". Enjoy the shower. It is okay if you are asleep when you get it. You are still receiving it if you agree to let it in. ♥ If you wish to enjoy this attunement WITH me in PDX, - Portland, Oregon. Please show up on time at 11:00 AM @ 4943 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard Portland, OR 97211 to talk with me - Open forum for 15 minutes, practice the Kriyas of elevation followed by! It takes aproximately a half hour to complete the kriyas and meditation. Kriyas do not require "flexib...

Multidimensional Functioning (I Know YOU Want It!)

What is this Great Ascension every one is curious about?   A striving to evolve to our next level:   Multidimensional functioning.  To me, this term is a more explicit way of saying "expanded consciousness". Multidimensional functioning is the precise aim that all of the world's history of shamanism, invocations, parapsychologists, spiritual practices, magickans,  psychic mediums and mystery schools have been alluding to. All of these practicing groups share the basic concept of interacting on what we call a more subtle plane of existence, in the aether, prana, spiritual level.  Such a thing is not readily sensed by those with a grasp that is exclusively on the material plane; however the general consensus of reality as we know it is rapidly changing.  According to various sources including “The Gaia Project” b y  Hwee-Yong Jang , we come from some gala...

Tai Chi Tapping Warm-Up

Here is practically the exact same energy meridian warm-up exercise I will be teaching in my Clown Yoga Workshop.  I'm so excited!  Enjoy this warm-up if you can't make it.  It opens up the energy meridians and helps you feel energetic, happy and motivated!  A healthy clown is a funny clown! <3

Catching up, Making Movies and Clown Yoga

Greetings to yogis, magickians, seekers of gnosis and everyone else! I thought I would brief you all on what has been going on in my life lately, just in case you've been wondering.  I have been teaching classes as usual, practicing Muladhara (root chakra) kriyas (aka Kundalini Yoga) as a daily sadhana, as I have chosen to meditate for 40 days on each chakra, moving up from the bottom, working my way all the way out to my aura. I am currently on about day 35 of the root chakra exercises.  These Sadhanas are normally conducted one at a time, forty days in a row, without break.  If you miss a day, you must start all over again. Them's the rules!  I have also been preparing for my clownyoga workshop coming up THIS Saturday at 2:00 PM which will have some acting games, movement and mime games along with some things I personally developed.  Our warm-up will also include " The Ancient Secret of the Fountain  of Youth "  (AKA  5 Tibetans) exercis...


Why are you afraid of sharing your fears to the world? Your pain? Your UGLINESS? I know you have it in you. LET IT FLOW OUT. This is how you experience ascension. Sharing photos of pretty butterflies, angels, sacred geometry an d beautiful landscapes is pleasant and everything, but it's not going to help you to attain the clarity of self-realization. You might at first find this free flow to be uncomfortable, ugly, savage, bitter and frightening, but eventually, you'll be able to stop wasting so much energy to hold up your projected holographic facade. We (those of us who know how to flow) can see straight through those who are holding on to their trash.  Why does our desire for comfort send us from one unnecessary destination to the next?  Trust me, friends. You are wasting more energy than you will ever comprehend if you don't do so. Why are you afraid to lose your friends if your friendship is only a dam of illusory love, holding back an ocean of fear?  What e...

Santosha Retreat - Are you Satisfied? (do it your self!)

 The true metropolitan yogi test: Can you be happy with (next to) nothing?  P icture this: A TRUE santosha yoga retreat.  An exercise in being satisfied with having just enough to get by.  It is as simple as leaving your home with a tent, a few basic survival tools and the clothes you have on your back (OK maybe a change or two), along with enough means to eat just enough each day to not waste away and involuntarily experience mahasamadhi (that's fancy Sanskrit talk for leaving your body through letting go of all your Earthly attachments).   In a true santosha yoga retreat, you do not need a yogi support group but it is acceptable to take a fellow yogi with the same intention and focus if you are taking trip far from civilization.  In a true santosha retreat you do not party, surf or snorkle.  you do not need a spa, fancy cuisine or a beach resort.  If you have practiced consistently for more than 5 years, you no longer need to fol...

"Mmmmm... Why Do I Feel SO Good?" -Kundalini & Being a Sensual, Spiritual Woman

Women not bound to a relationship that obligates you to 'sexual duty':  Find the rewarding experience of sensual ecstasy that a woman receives for simply having an open heart and mind. I exchanged notes with a friend who is in her 20s today. She has been single for about a year now and is now experiencing the sensual arousal of her kundalini.... "i have intense sexual dreams but thats bout it on the action i get ,,, so it doesnt take much to get me turned out, my sensitivity went up a notch, i just see someone really attractive or sensual and get aroused and feeling of tingly rush haha its kind of sweet actually , thinking im openin the kundalini... cuz i get those rushes at varios different parts of my body...." I know what sensations you are talking about. it is your kundalini. Feminine energy is PRANA.. the upward current. If we are a sexually awakened woman, it is easy for us to accomplish spiritual ecstacy by simply opening our minds. Men have no clue why...

Kundalini Reiki Attunement in Portland, OR - Remote attunement available as well!

HAPPENING GLOBALLY & IN PDX!  SHOW UP AT 3:00 (15:00)PST TO PLAY, ATTUNEMENT STARTS AT 4:00 PST.  Join Katherine Russ This sunday (July 29th, 2012) in a heart-centered yoga opportunity to learn about  energy healing after you experience some fun things you can do in a circle with mandala yoga. Participate with us in fun group oriented yoga, play, movement and laughter.   Do yoga with a group & learn how to tap into your own intuition and use healing energy to  help yourself and other beings! Katheine Russ has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and attunement-based energy work since 2005.   I extend a warm invitation to you to come to this ecstatic  opportunity to practice Mandala Yoga and learn about the Kundalini Reiki system. Bring friends.  No one has to be a member of this gym I am holding it at and in fact there will be no front desk people at this time. :) We will do this through the method of attunemen...

What Possessed James Holmes? Thoughtforms: Abstract Theory or Reality?

Involuntary thoughtform invocation is akin to a nervous breakdown. Thoughtforms have a shockingly broad influence on behavioral mental and social health as well as spiritual ideologies.  Often they appear in the form of an archetype and are perpetuated by institutions and repetitive behavior or ritual.  Religions, books, cults, objects and sites of worship or films, as well as acts & deeds (publicized and secret) are also intimately connected to thoughtforms in a cyclical fashion.  The aforementioned not only bring thoughtforms into being but are eventually also perpetuated via support from individuals who choose to relate to them.  I n ancient times predating modern religion, thoughtforms were more prevalent in use for specific practical purposes, such as building superhuman energy and sensitivity to guarantee a successful hunt.  In our modern time unless you are doing a religious ritual, practicing magickal workings for your own personal r...
A sadhana (40 day commitment to the spiritually powerful practice of Kriya yoga) can help us to bump the often cumbersome ego out of the way if we practice it every day without fail. Once your ego is ready to behave,  you will begin to more poignantly observe habits and thoughts that are destructive to your goals of health and happiness.  I offer you the  Kriyas of Elevation  to try on your own, as a launching pad to begin clearing yourself of obstacles.  From these kriyas, you will begin to derive a way of experiencing the world a little more objectively and stepping outside of your own emotional dramas.  Also you will begin to experience that you are beginning to let go of things you did not realize before that you were clinging to.  SAT NAM! 

Special Solar Eclipse Kundalini Practice tonight @ Pure Heart

I have been subbing for Candle Light Kundalini classes lately at   Pure Heart Yoga   (  4135 SE Gladstone st. Portland, Oregon 97202 )  Sunday  8:15PM  (That's TONIGHT!) Kundalini Yoga classes are ALWAYS special, even if you've done the kriya before.  If you  have ever experienced the kundalini energy, you will know what I mean because it is in itself very special.  Tonight we will tune into the power of this Solar eclipse as we experience the Adi Shakti or Primal force known as Kundalini.  We will consciously stimulate our heart chakra and our arc lines to connect to this universal influx of energy during this solar eclipse... & DANCE BHANGRA!!!!!  :) A little more about the breathing in Kundalini Yoga...  Proper pranayama practice is vital for a successful  kundalini experience.  A little on the commonly instructed "breath of fire".   I never have heard a kundalini yoga teacher describe th...
I had fun today teaching a noon community class at the SE Division Yoga Shala.  Great turn out and I think I'll be feeding people more Macasure chocolate bars & fruit after the classes.   It's a nice way to end a kickass vinyasa session. Come enjoy yoga with me MON, WED & FRI for only $8!! Later today  At 3:30, I also joined Alice Noyes at Yoga Bhoga for a Yin class, thanks to Living yoga's  Yogathon.  check it out on if you haven't already done so! :)


Check out my site's main page and you will see that I've changed it big time just for this month!  This is because I have just joined the Yogathon.  I hope you do too before time runs out for practicing at any of SEVERAL studios in Portland this May!  The proceeds all go toward Living Yoga's programs that help bring a little more wholeness and health to people in need of healthier outlets that will prevent them from ending up in prison or worse, dead!  Feel free to join me here and help me to get to my donation goal. :)   Click to register your $20 for a megadose of yoga all over Portland and give back to the community. KARMA, BABY!  This is the little page I created as my answer to "Living Yoga"--  "Giving Yoga"!  Yes, I am quite pleased with my cleverness.  :-} ( click here , already!)

Make Ghee (and other things) With Me!

I'm excited to announce a Ghee-making, ayurvedic food cooking workshop on the 28th, NEXT SATURDAY!! in NE PDX.  (Salt, Fire & Time on NW 21st between Therman & Vaughn ST -- MAP )  We'll be making Ghee and Kitchari.  In addition to this, we will be sipping some ginger tea and enjoying some other freshly prepared side dishes for a sit-n'-talk on the principals of this ancient system that works in harmony with the 3 forces of the universe.  Bring a pound of organic salt-free butter and a pint mason jar & we will all be able to add the same together in one pot so everyone will have their own ghee (worth double what it costs as butter) to take home. :)  Want a spice mix to help balance out your dosha? We'll make that too.   SUPER FUN!!!  Hope to see you there.  More info: Aside from just butter on the stove, here's what is lined up so far: (Approx.) MENU:         ...

Yoga for Your Boobies ?

Do you practice Viveka ?   ....If you practice yogasana (the physical practice) and really feel it is important to get a breast enhancement..... You might want to consider the wider range of yoga, being that it is not only a practice that caters to the physique.   Viveka is a virtue of Jnana yoga (yoga of knowledge); one of the 4 means to salvation and is described as " discrimination between the real and the unreal, between the permanent and the impermanent, between the Self and the non-Self."    What I am about to say may not be very comforting if your attitude toward yourself is that you need larger breasts.  Before you start to scream accusations at me for not being very nice about what I am saying, know that if you ever were to meet some of the first yogis in India, you would undoubtedly be uncomfortable and perhaps even frightened. We are not only compassionate beings but messengers of truth. Truthful information which is not always light-hearted an...

Proud to be a Poser

posted  20 hours ago  by Katherine Russ    Hello yoga magickians!  It is I, your humble hostess.   I have decided to start posting more regular photos of me in poses,  so here is the one I decided to do today: Padahastasana or "Feet to hands pose", also known by some as "gorilla pose".  I suppose because your knuckles appear to be "dragging" on the ground and  gorillas  do indeed use their knuckles  for transportation.   When I asked a gorilla's opinion on what she thought of this pose  as a reference to her people, she had this to say:  . ........I think that this actually means "You're number one!" Thanks, Gorilla!

Ayurvedic Community Feast & Philosophy Talk Coming up!

  <--  some Ganesha flare ;) posted  Mar 26, 2012 7:36 AM If you have not yet seen it, do check out the  Ghee and Kitchari  Ayurveda workshop !   If you are wondering what any of these  words mean, let me give you a brief rundown.    Ayurveda   basically translates as the "wisdom of long life". It's an ancient  holistic practice that can also be described as "humorism", addressing the 3 doshas (humors) in the body. These three doshas  are known as Vata (wind/movement), Pita (Fire/transformation), and Kapha  (Water/adhesion).     Ghee  is also known as  clarified butter.  Butter that has had the elements that  cause it to go rancid (oxidize) removed from it, giving you all the healthy  benefits of butter  (Forget what commercials have been saying. It  is  good for you!) without the down side of  the goop that makes  your butter turn brown a...

Pain in The Butt!

posted  Mar 26, 2012 7:08 AM The gluteous maximus are massive muscles that comprise for  a large portion  of or nearly all of our butts.  We really don't  have much of one when we are  born for perhaps not so obvious  reasons.  The gluteous maximus are reponsible  for the extension  of the legs.  Even after we are born, we are still unfolding into a fully extended human being, starting from seemingly random   jerks, as our nerves  continue to extend and connect. Once the  vital nerves have established, we are able  to send more deliberate  actions from our brains to our bodies with our will. We  finally  begin crawling (our first phys. exercise routine) to build the glute  muscles until the point where  can stand  by pulling  ourselves up  by some  furniture .  All of this normally takes at least 10  months after birth ...

Springing Forward

posted  Mar 11, 2012 6:21 PM   Have any fun daylight savings stories to share?    This morning probably at about 3:00AM, our smoke alarm inexplicably went off. BOY,  did my partner SPRING forth  into action! I sure feel safe that I can expect such impressive  vigilance from my ex-Marine!  I  Wonder if we didn't realize our  alarm has a special feature  that gives you a fire drill on daylight savings night?  ....Yeah right.  Probably just time to get a  new one.      Things like this sure get me thinking critically about what we have created for ourselves in  this world and how many "systems"  lend to trust issues.  For instance, does that "test"  really work? All you do is push a button and it goes "BEEP!".    Ah, smoke alarms.  They go off when you're cooking blackened Cajun catfish, burning  incense/candles, et al.... ...