Springing Forward

posted Mar 11, 2012 6:21 PM 
Have any fun daylight savings stories to share?   
This morning probably at about 3:00AM, our smoke alarm inexplicably went off. BOY,
 did my partner SPRING forth into action! I sure feel safe that I can expect such impressive 
vigilance from my ex-Marine!  I  Wonder if we didn't realize our alarm has a special feature 
that gives you a fire drill on daylight savings night?  ....Yeah right.  Probably just time to get a
 new one.    

 Things like this sure get me thinking critically about what we have created for ourselves in 
this world and how many "systems" lend to trust issues.  For instance, does that "test" 
really work? All you do is push a button and it goes "BEEP!".   
Ah, smoke alarms.  They go off when you're cooking blackened Cajun catfish, burning 
incense/candles, et al....  Repeated false alarms create false security and a boy who cried 
wolf story takes root.  No button pushing test can set a mind at ease once a 
false alarm has been repeatedly experienced .  We can call this a karmic seed (bija
of samskara, an impression that has been made in the cycles of our minds.  
Yes, cycles.  This is why japa or repetition of mantras works so well for us.  

AAAAGGH!! Caught in a freak-out cycle!!  
(End it by finding a mantra you can repeat 
and clear your mind.)

We echo experiences and words unconsciously through the great "record" that is our mind, 
these words and experiences become neural pathways that can otherwise be described as 
samskaras, are much like grooves on a literal record.  The magic here is that you can choose 
to be irritated by the tiniest groove in the record, or you can choose to not tend to that groove 
by reacting impulsively.  Emotionally impulsive reactions cause our brains to release a variety 
of chemicals that we all run the risk of becoming addicted to.  Once you enter a cycle of 
neurological addiction, your problem can worsen into an overall sense if ill being, 
bad headspace (dukha) and even lead to behavioral health issues. After you practice enough yoga
 in as many aspects (limbs or anga) as you can branch out to in your day to day living,
 common life situations casually finds a way to present itself as a look at Vedic philosophy. 


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