Day 38 & Kali Yantra

   Next time you experience Saturn Return. --  Kali Yantra  -- 
This Yantra has occult powers & meditation on it reverses the ill-effects of black magic, and protects a person from the bad influences of spirits & ghosts. This Yantra also eliminates the harmful effects of malefic planets, especially Saturn, which are usually responsible for misfortunes, sufferings and sorrows in life. Kali Yantra bestows spiritual power, and results in fulfillment of desires, increase in wealth and comforts of life.

posted Feb 8, 2012 12:59 PM  
Today (2/8/12), I did all the kriyas, as always! I must remind you at this point that you will see holes
 in my previous progress entries.  This is NOT because I did not practice the kriyas and can only be 
attributed to the fact that on certain days I didn't have much to really remark on and was also just 
enjoying life too much in general to get sucked into computer world.  

Most kriyas were unremarkable today as well, although I did notice that my practice of the cobra pose
 (raja bhujangasana)with breath of fire has improved dramatically.  I am able to stay up for a full 3 minutes, 
it seems more effortless and sturdy, plus the over all feeling of it is more comfortable.     
I listened to Ray Man Shabad (as sung by Snatam Kaur) while practicing the kriya of liberation at the end.  
 I thought it would make the kriya go by quicker, at the beginning it did seem as such, I gazed over to
 the tip of my nose through 1/10th opened eyes and when I did this, at first it seemed like time was 
flying by effortlessly... But then, half way through it began to feel just the opposite- as if my arms 
were up for AEONS.... I began to feel them shake near the end so I began to thank God that they have 
been up this long at least, I felt like I was going to truly lose it for some reason.. that my hands would just 
drop down like lead, whether I wanted them to or not.... Then finally the time was up. 
 I took a deep breath in, rested my arms down at my sides, and began to cry tears that I could not label
with an emotion.  All I can say is that it was good.  


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