Day 30

posted Jan 29, 2012 7:13 PM
I am still taking cold showers every morning. It does make me feel more grounded (in my body) and invigorated in the morning.
  Who needs coffee when you can save on a little water heating with this technique? (LOL) 
 [video on cold showers I found today]  All Kriyas are still being performed to the best of my abilities.  
I find ways to be gentle with myself due to occasional discomfort that would most likely come with doing any exercise daily. 
 Taking a very soothing and beautiful deep relaxation, sprawled out under a wool blanket in Savasana, I feel delicious stirrings 
of energy in my low back.  I remind myself to see this as only a little fleeting signpost of the things to come. I eventually ease 
up to sit in sukhasana  and relax a couple of breaths.  The clock ticks over to the next minute, I inhale my right arm forward and 
higher than my head with the index finger extended, my left arm lifts back behind me, index finger pointed down; I am doing the
 "Kriya of Liberation".  Sitting here... It is day 30, near the end of my last kriya. Rocking out with both hands in a tight Apan
 mudra, I await the sixth minute. It comes and my fingers are all planked together like "paper"; right palm down, left palm up. 
 I breathe deeply, staring universes beyond the tip of  my nose.  I begin to feel like I am flying and totally ruin it as I start to 
think about how I have been sitting with my arms raised in this strange manner for nine minutes straight for the past 30 days. 
How often do people choose to do this? I almost feel like this is some kind of great human feat.  I become fully aware that I can 
only do this thing I am doing (fully, for 40 days) only if I am well enough to hold my arms up for this long, disciplined enough 
to suppress the urge to scratch an itch and able to endure the discomfort and determined enough to fight my doubts, apathy, 
laziness and stubbornness.  I release any pride or ego attached to this exercise and choose thankfulness.  SAT NAM!


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