Day 26

posted Jan 25, 2012 2:40 PM 
I'm still here!  I just have a significantly diminished desire to be on the computer.  I am still doing the kriyas every day.  
I notice that I am gradually becoming even more flexible as time goes on.. The kriyas are just about effortless, painless and 
pleasant as well at this point.... Well, if I am careful with my tummy at this time.. I'm currently on my moon cycle, so I am 
breathing slower during the "breath of fire" portions.  During the cobra kriya, I am at more ease and notice that the insides of 
my feet can completely connect now from heel to ball.  Strangely, my feet tingle by the time I'm half way through.  I'm unsure 
if it's energetic or circulation but it's not unpleasant and doesn't seem circulation-related as I do not feel "pins & needles). 
I recall earlier during some of the kriyas, my lips would tingle a little too, but not alarmingly, just subtle.   I have read from 
people who are concerned about this, but it doesn't intuitively strike me as anything to be alarmed by.  Just makes me think
 of people who manage to get past their own sensuality during a meditation and say that their body goes "numb".. I wouldn't
 say that's a good word for that type of experience, as it's much similar to what happens when one is unconscious in sleep, 
only you are experiencing it during a wakeful meditation.  Anyway, that is my two cents and little update! SAT NAM! 


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