Make Ghee (and other things) With Me!

I'm excited to announce a Ghee-making, ayurvedic food cooking workshop on the 28th, NEXT SATURDAY!! in NE PDX.  (Salt, Fire & Time on NW 21st between Therman & Vaughn ST -- MAP)

 We'll be making Ghee and Kitchari.  In addition to this, we will be sipping some ginger tea and enjoying some other freshly prepared side dishes for a sit-n'-talk on the principals of this ancient system that works in harmony with the 3 forces of the universe.

 Bring a pound of organic salt-free butter and a pint mason jar & we will all be able to add the same together in one pot so everyone will have their own ghee (worth double what it costs as butter) to take home. :)  Want a spice mix to help balance out your dosha? We'll make that too.   SUPER FUN!!!  Hope to see you there.  More info:

Aside from just butter on the stove, here's what is lined up so far:

(Approx.) MENU:            

  • Ginger Tea 
  • Ginger Pickle
  • (TBA)
  • Vegitarian Spring Moong (Mung bean) Kitchari 
  • Stone oven Naan flatbread (courtesy of Swagat)
  • Stewed Spiced pear                                                      :-9


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