Yoga for Your Boobies ?

Do you practice Viveka ?   ....If you practice yogasana (the physical practice) and really feel it is important to get a breast enhancement..... You might want to consider the wider range of yoga, being that it is not only a practice that caters to the physique.   Viveka is a virtue of Jnana yoga (yoga of knowledge); one of the 4 means to salvation and is described as "discrimination between the real and the unreal, between the permanent and the impermanent, between the Self and the non-Self."

   What I am about to say may not be very comforting if your attitude toward yourself is that you need larger breasts.  Before you start to scream accusations at me for not being very nice about what I am saying, know that if you ever were to meet some of the first yogis in India, you would undoubtedly be uncomfortable and perhaps even frightened. We are not only compassionate beings but messengers of truth. Truthful information which is not always light-hearted and uplifting, that is, until you chose to use that information to effect positive change within yourself.  I myself am a small-breasted woman who has suffered with cleavage-envy. "Why can't I have luscious orbs that peak out from a low neckline?"  has definitely crossed my mind.  Perhaps this is why this subject weighs so much on my conscience. Many small-breasted women humor the idea of enlarging their breasts so that they may perhaps experience the world differently.  Thoughts that it will improve your chances at getting that job you've always wanted or just feel "prettier" for your own self-satisfaction.  Ultimately understand that some women who are well-endowed in the bust often do receive more attention, but it's the wrong attention.  It is superficial attention toward their body, which is temporary.  Yogis must look past the horizon of day-to-day foresight and see into infinity.  As a wise man whom I used to devote my time to assisting once said- "Some day we will all resemble raisins".  Do you really want your breasts to stay perky and round as the rest of you begins to shrink?

 A dedicated yogi must question the concept of investing in a procedure to cause their beasts to appear as if they are constantly engorged with milk. This broaches a question in regard to the topic of self-love. Do you genuinely LOVE yourself? Anyone on the yoga path must question the overall health-consciousness of a person who has chosen to get inorganic material shoved under their flesh. Such a choice to do this brings to my attention the importance of Viveka . What is the difference between that which is temporary (material/body) and that which is forever (spirit/soul/brahman)?   Clearly this is not being absorbed by the psyche of a person who has spent the money for this painful and superficial procedure simply to make their breasts larger rather than to look "normal", for instance after a mastectomy to remove breast cancer.  This fact may not ever be absorbed by the psyche until one has committed to a significant portion of Bhakti (selfless devotional service).  As long as we do not acknowledge Viveka and go out to teach health, we are only teaching a perversion of health and not the most perfect health possible- a health that will save us from delusion.  Practice Bhakti, embrace Viveka and stop the perpetuation of falsehood and delusion. SAT NAM!


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