Classes I am Teaching!

posted Feb 26, 2012 9:37 AM 

Hello yogi magickians!  I am just updating here about what I am doing lately.   I have not been doing much sadhana lately! 
 I really enjoyed having specific exercises to do consistently every day, so I might go back to doing some more in the near 
future.  In the mean time I am keeping with my "Ashtanga-inspired Hatha-Vinyasa" practice and teachings.  ;)  
 Yes.  I often practice and teach a variety of "schools" of yoga and steadily am bringing even more Iyengar-esque elements
 into classes too; really setting up the poses solidly from the foundation of feet and legs (or arms/head if inverted), all the way
 to the gaze (drishti).

Also, I am having one heck of a time making my google calendar public, so here I will recap my present regular class schedule: 

Classes I am presently teaching    

yoga pilates NE [website] *  Yoga Shala Buckman [website

        All Levels Vinyasa  **  11:00 am - 12:15

         Slow Flow Vinyasa ** 7:30 am - 8:30 
             Detox Flow ** 5:30 pm - 6:30

         All Levels Vinyasa ** 6:15 am - 7:15

        Power Vinyasa (level 2-3)


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