Ayurvedic Community Feast & Philosophy Talk Coming up!

 <--  some Ganesha flare ;)

posted Mar 26, 2012 7:36 AM
If you have not yet seen it, do check out the Ghee and Kitchari  Ayurveda workshop!  
If you are wondering what any of these words mean, let me give you a brief rundown.  
Ayurveda basically translates as the "wisdom of long life". It's an ancient holistic practice
that can also be described as "humorism", addressing the 3 doshas (humors) in the body.
These three doshas are known as Vata (wind/movement), Pita (Fire/transformation), and Kapha 
(Water/adhesion).   Ghee is also known as clarified butter.  Butter that has had the elements that 
cause it to go rancid (oxidize) removed from it, giving you all the healthy benefits of butter 
(Forget what commercials have been saying. It is good for you!) without the down side of 
the goop that makes your butter turn brown and stink. Who wants that anyway? Kitchari
 is a vegetarian hot pot meal made with a wholesome, well-cooked (or otherwise soft) grain 
along with other specific types of vegetables that is relaxing to eat and very easy on the 
digestion and supports detoxification.  Consider it an ideal dish for a monodiet fast that 
you will LOVE if you enjoy curry. 

Yes, it also has ghee in it.  It is formulated especially to balance out the doshas and will transport
 you to a state of calm bliss that will also aide in your progress as a yogi.  I invite you to see how 
both ghee and kitchari are made as well as assist a little bit in the process.  Once everything is ready, 
you will find that there will be other special and tasty side dishes with this that we will eat as we 
discuss the Philosophy of Ayurveda.   Bring your appetite!  Although such a meal is normally served between the 
hours of 11:00AM and 12:00PM, the eating probably will not kick off until about 3:25.  The 2:00PM starting time was the only 
option I had for the schedule at Salt, Fire & Time, so EAT A LIGHT LUNCH! ;)  Either way, this will be a delicious opportunity
 to learn and enjoy first hand experience of Ayurveda, the wisdom of long life. 

Here is the PDX Meetup Page for it:  


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