Kriya Update Day 12

posted Jan 11, 2012 5:17 PM

So... Yeah!   Hey, has anyone began on these kriyas I've given?  If not, I suppose I'll copy it all onto another page so that it'll be easier for people to find it.  None of the notes or the video remind you about the "TUNING IN" part at the beginning, so I'll remind you if you didn't already know... Before each practice, it will serve you greatly to vibrate or sing a nice drawn out, "ONG NAMO, GURU DEV NAMO" 3 times at the beginning.
When you finish, also sing the long time sun song (you don't have to sing it as long as she does here, just the whole thing 2 times, followed with the "guide your way on" part 3 times at the end and then a long "SAAAAAAAAT" followed by a short "NAAM" and bow to honor the primal force (adi shakti) within you.

Today was a fairly good and to the point kriya practice.  The 'chocolate truffle' feeling I got from "naaam" on day 10 was a little less noticeable today, compared to the last couple of days.  I chose to distract myself a little today during the practice and play some soft music while I practiced.  I don't think I'll do it again.  It seemed to pull me a bit out of a nice meditative focus.  K.I.S.S.!  And no, I'm not referring to a band that had Gene Simmons in it...   Anyway, I'll be a little naughty today and have a beer.  We'll see if it kills me.  Below is a little graphic I have been playing around with.  You'll notice I put a transparent layer of the word with the sparkles and rainbow orb effect on some pics in the "photos" section. Yay!  



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