My Kundalini re-awakens after 5 years.

(posted Jan 2, 2012 10:54 AM )

So, I am thrilled to share that I have been experiencing some tremendous energetic and emotional shifts over the past 3 days that can only best be described as a dramatic raise in my energetic resonance.   Basically, my brain just activated a bit more. Perhaps now I am even using more of my brain.  What started this?   5 days ago I decided to begin waking up every morning, as early as possible (no later than 7, no earlier than 3:30) and do kriya yoga, to arouse kundalini.  At first, I honestly did not have a regular set of kriyas and just wanted to make sure I did sat kriya along with the kriya of liberation, along with what other basic things I could remember from classes I have been to.  Recently I found this series... kriyas of elevation (I also append the kriya of liberation to the end before the deep relaxation) and am now following them every morning after a cold shower, dressing myself in all white, including a head covering and then tuning in with "Ang Namo, guru dev namo".  It's a big shift from just pulling myself out of bed when ever I'm sick of laying down, slamming some yerba mate and then getting onto the computer under the pretense of looking for more work, only to aimlessly zone out.  I made a decision on the night before new years eve to release sadness that I had been holding in my being.  I fully realized just how sad I was and how it was negatively impacting me, went to take a CLOSE look in the mirror and, God... I could see how the muscles in my face had been building up to tense little facial wrinkles into a constantly sad looking subtle contortion.. I instantly thought "NO MORE!!!!" and just began doing what ever EFT (emotional freedom tapping), I could remember, addressing "this sadness, this sadness, this sadness...".  This decision has begun to catalyze me almost instantly to a new level of awareness.    I went through a little (really good feeling) sprawled out on the bed laughing/crying involuntary kriya experience the night before new years eve, and knew that I was back in business.   It scared my boyfriend and he thought he'd need to call 9-11, but I assured him that when these things happen it's not a medical problem-- it's powerful energy moving through me, cleaning out my energy channels.  He argues that I just need to discipline myself to not allow it to 'control' me.... I'm highly doubting he's ever experienced anything like this, but his quibble is that Sikhs are warriors and would never be so weak as to let themselves be so easily swayed by this energy.   Perhaps he is right.  Only life will tell. 


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