Day 35

posted Feb 3, 2012 7:02 PM
During the cobra Kriya, I have learned that the tingling in my feet was indeed because I compressing a nerve in my spine!
 I will learn to be more mindful.   I have noticed my mid back has become a little sore and sensitive.   I normally have NO 
back problems ever, so I'm not really experiencing a lot of pain.. just noticing  I am really working that mid back with these 
kriyas!  I work to be very mindful about any discomforts to avoid injury.  The Kriya of Liberation at the end still remains
 challenging.  Today I thought about how there can be a subconscious temptation to put the arms down when switching
 mudras and you must consciously remind yourself "KEEP UP"!  I also must say that today I did the kriyas at the latest
 time yet (about 9:00) and it was not so enjoyable because I'd already been up about 3 hours and decided to go grocery
 shopping and then eat some breakfast before the kriyas.  What a mistake.  Definitely was more difficult to do the kriyas as
 close to the max time intervals as I would like to  and focus inward with so much hustle and bustle of life happening.  
Tomorrow I will wake up EARLIER, saver Amrit Vela and put this day behind me.

Also, on another note I came into the Buckman Yoga Shala at about 12:30 today.  Such a beautiful space.  If you are around
 the area of Morrison & 14th, do check it out!  So much wall space!  We will have FUN.  Anyway, I  did show up a little later
 than I meant to - I was supposed to be there at 12 to work out details since I am now a teacher there!  I was REALLY 
dragging behind today.  I try not to be hard on myself about my lacking, but I do still have that tendency and I must say I 
have recently learned that so does my mother for that matter!  Perhaps I should kick the new age-yness up a notch more and 
do some DNA healing. :)  (it's a feature of Kundalini Reiki)


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