
Showing posts from April, 2012

Make Ghee (and other things) With Me!

I'm excited to announce a Ghee-making, ayurvedic food cooking workshop on the 28th, NEXT SATURDAY!! in NE PDX.  (Salt, Fire & Time on NW 21st between Therman & Vaughn ST -- MAP )  We'll be making Ghee and Kitchari.  In addition to this, we will be sipping some ginger tea and enjoying some other freshly prepared side dishes for a sit-n'-talk on the principals of this ancient system that works in harmony with the 3 forces of the universe.  Bring a pound of organic salt-free butter and a pint mason jar & we will all be able to add the same together in one pot so everyone will have their own ghee (worth double what it costs as butter) to take home. :)  Want a spice mix to help balance out your dosha? We'll make that too.   SUPER FUN!!!  Hope to see you there.  More info: Aside from just butter on the stove, here's what is lined up so far: (Approx.) MENU:         ...

Yoga for Your Boobies ?

Do you practice Viveka ?   ....If you practice yogasana (the physical practice) and really feel it is important to get a breast enhancement..... You might want to consider the wider range of yoga, being that it is not only a practice that caters to the physique.   Viveka is a virtue of Jnana yoga (yoga of knowledge); one of the 4 means to salvation and is described as " discrimination between the real and the unreal, between the permanent and the impermanent, between the Self and the non-Self."    What I am about to say may not be very comforting if your attitude toward yourself is that you need larger breasts.  Before you start to scream accusations at me for not being very nice about what I am saying, know that if you ever were to meet some of the first yogis in India, you would undoubtedly be uncomfortable and perhaps even frightened. We are not only compassionate beings but messengers of truth. Truthful information which is not always light-hearted an...

Proud to be a Poser

posted  20 hours ago  by Katherine Russ    Hello yoga magickians!  It is I, your humble hostess.   I have decided to start posting more regular photos of me in poses,  so here is the one I decided to do today: Padahastasana or "Feet to hands pose", also known by some as "gorilla pose".  I suppose because your knuckles appear to be "dragging" on the ground and  gorillas  do indeed use their knuckles  for transportation.   When I asked a gorilla's opinion on what she thought of this pose  as a reference to her people, she had this to say:  . ........I think that this actually means "You're number one!" Thanks, Gorilla!

Ayurvedic Community Feast & Philosophy Talk Coming up!

  <--  some Ganesha flare ;) posted  Mar 26, 2012 7:36 AM If you have not yet seen it, do check out the  Ghee and Kitchari  Ayurveda workshop !   If you are wondering what any of these  words mean, let me give you a brief rundown.    Ayurveda   basically translates as the "wisdom of long life". It's an ancient  holistic practice that can also be described as "humorism", addressing the 3 doshas (humors) in the body. These three doshas  are known as Vata (wind/movement), Pita (Fire/transformation), and Kapha  (Water/adhesion).     Ghee  is also known as  clarified butter.  Butter that has had the elements that  cause it to go rancid (oxidize) removed from it, giving you all the healthy  benefits of butter  (Forget what commercials have been saying. It  is  good for you!) without the down side of  the goop that makes  your butter turn brown a...

Pain in The Butt!

posted  Mar 26, 2012 7:08 AM The gluteous maximus are massive muscles that comprise for  a large portion  of or nearly all of our butts.  We really don't  have much of one when we are  born for perhaps not so obvious  reasons.  The gluteous maximus are reponsible  for the extension  of the legs.  Even after we are born, we are still unfolding into a fully extended human being, starting from seemingly random   jerks, as our nerves  continue to extend and connect. Once the  vital nerves have established, we are able  to send more deliberate  actions from our brains to our bodies with our will. We  finally  begin crawling (our first phys. exercise routine) to build the glute  muscles until the point where  can stand  by pulling  ourselves up  by some  furniture .  All of this normally takes at least 10  months after birth ...

Springing Forward

posted  Mar 11, 2012 6:21 PM   Have any fun daylight savings stories to share?    This morning probably at about 3:00AM, our smoke alarm inexplicably went off. BOY,  did my partner SPRING forth  into action! I sure feel safe that I can expect such impressive  vigilance from my ex-Marine!  I  Wonder if we didn't realize our  alarm has a special feature  that gives you a fire drill on daylight savings night?  ....Yeah right.  Probably just time to get a  new one.      Things like this sure get me thinking critically about what we have created for ourselves in  this world and how many "systems"  lend to trust issues.  For instance, does that "test"  really work? All you do is push a button and it goes "BEEP!".    Ah, smoke alarms.  They go off when you're cooking blackened Cajun catfish, burning  incense/candles, et al.... ...

Classes I am Teaching!

posted  Feb 26, 2012 9:37 AM   Hello yogi magickians!  I am just updating here about what I am doing lately.   I have not been doing much sadhana lately!   I really enjoyed having specific exercises to do consistently every day, so I might go back to doing some more in the near  future.  In the mean time I am keeping with my "Ashtanga-inspired Hatha-Vinyasa" practice and teachings.  ;)    Yes.   I often practice and teach a variety of "schools" of yoga and steadily am bringing even more Iyengar-esque elements  into classes too; really setting up the poses solidly from the foundation of feet and legs (or arms/head if inverted), all the way  to the gaze (drishti). Also, I am having one heck of a time making my google calendar public, so here I will recap my present regular class schedule:  Classes I am presently teaching       (  yoga pilates NE [ website ]...

Day 40

posted  Feb 15, 2012 8:10 PM   On Feb 9th, I did indeed complete day 40.  It was hard to believe it really came and went.   I feel  lovely.    the following day after I completed the 40th day, I felt like doors of opportunity began opening for me .   I am blessed to say that I will soon teach some actual local workshops!  Yay!! :)  In the mean time I am  enjoying studying independently when I am not learning some more kriyas with a fellow yoga teacher at  the Buckman Yoga  Shala   on SE Morrison and 14th, next to Nostrana.  So much to learn! Waheguru! 

Day 39

posted   Feb 8, 2012 1:08 PM Still going strong.  I woke up today at 4:00.  In most if not all of my other posts I have neglected to put my waking times.  I guess I should have. Often I didn't wake up this early, but I must say that it is the BEST for a deep experience of these  kriyas.  The practice went smoothly.  This time no music.   Who needs to play music when everyone is dreaming?  It's like  you own the world since there are no ambient sounds.   Either way, it's not like you MUST wake up super early to do these  so don't let that put you off from trying.    I had a talk with a more experienced Kundalini yoga teacher after teaching a  vinyasa class this morning and she mentioned that tears with kriyas/mantra/meditation are a 'symptom' of the heart opening.  Go me!  Get to opening you silly heart!  SAT NAM! 

Day 38 & Kali Yantra

     Next time you experience Saturn Return. --  Kali Yantra  --  This Yantra has occult powers & meditation on it reverses the ill-effects of black magic, and protects a person from the bad influences of spirits & ghosts. This Yantra also eliminates the harmful effects of malefic planets, especially Saturn, which are usually responsible for misfortunes, sufferings and sorrows in life. Kali Yantra bestows spiritual power, and results in fulfillment of desires, increase in wealth and comforts of life. posted  Feb 8, 2012 12:59 PM    Today (2/8/12), I did all the kriyas, as always! I must remind you at this point that you will see holes  in my previous  progress  entries.  This is NOT because I did not practice the kriyas and can only be  attributed to the fact that on certain days I didn't  have much to really remark on and was also just  enjoying life too much in ...

Day 37

posted  Feb 5, 2012 1:01 PM   Now that I have been practicing these kriyas for 37 days, it feels as if each sequence is becoming equal with the other.   The particular ones which were once favorites are fading right into line with those with which I have a more balanced  acceptance of.  I can't wait to get out of Savsana as much as I can't wait to get out of the Kriya of Liberation.   There is beginning to be less of a need to favor one sequence over the other, as each day passes, I feel more "at one".  That is, firmly rooted in the way of evenly accepting everything as it is.   

Day 35

posted  Feb 3, 2012 7:02 PM During the cobra Kriya, I have learned that the tingling in my feet was indeed because I compressing a nerve in my spine!  I will learn to be more mindful.   I have noticed my mid back has become a little sore and sensitive.   I normally have NO  back problems ever, so I'm not really experiencing a lot of pain.. just noticing  I am really working that mid back with these  kriyas!  I work to be very mindful about any discomforts to avoid injury.  The Kriya of Liberation at the end still remains  challenging.  Today I thought about how there can be a subconscious temptation to put the arms down when switching  mudras and you must consciously remind yourself "KEEP UP"!  I also must say that today I did the kriyas at the latest  time yet (about 9:00) and it was not so enjoyable because I'd already been up about 3 hours and decided to go grocery  shopping and then eat some ...

Day 30

posted  Jan 29, 2012 7:13 PM I am still taking cold showers every morning. It does make me feel more grounded (in my body) and invigorated in the morning.   Who needs coffee when you can save on a little water heating with this technique? (LOL)   [ video on cold showers I found today ]  All Kriyas are still being performed to the best of my abilities.   I find ways to be gentle with myself due to occasional discomfort that would most likely come with doing any exercise daily.   Taking a very soothing and beautiful deep relaxation, sprawled out under a wool blanket in Savasana, I feel delicious stirrings  of energy in my low back.  I remind myself to see this as only a little fleeting signpost of the things to come. I eventually ease  up to sit in sukhasana  and relax a couple of breaths.  The clock ticks over to the next minute, I inhale my right arm forward and  higher than my head with the...

Day 26

posted  Jan 25, 2012 2:40 PM   I'm still here!  I just have a significantly diminished desire to be on the computer.  I am still doing the kriyas every day.   I notice that I am gradually becoming even more flexible as time goes on.. The kriyas are just about effortless, painless and  pleasant as well at this point.... Well, if I am careful with my tummy at this time.. I'm currently on my moon cycle, so I am  breathing slower during the "breath of fire" portions.  During the cobra kriya, I am at more ease and notice that the insides of  my feet can completely connect now from heel to ball.  Strangely, my feet tingle by the time I'm half way through.  I'm unsure  if it's energetic or circulation but it's not unpleasant and doesn't seem circulation-related as I do not feel "pins & needles).  I recall earlier during some of the kriyas, my lips would tingle a little too, but not alarmingly, just subtle. ...

Day 19

posted  Jan 18, 2012 4:09 PM   Kriyas this morning, as usual!!  I am STILL keeping up with it.   I have moved over to yet another friend's home and today is my  second day here.  I feel as if kriyas are best if done consistently in the same location...  Seems to be just more settling on the nerves.  Perhaps also you are cleaning out the  energy in your living space when you practice there as well?  Either way, they continue to  s erve me nicely.  Today I woke up at 4:30, practiced after the cold shower and STAYED UP.   I felt like going back to sleep, but  once I got up and moving to make some breakfast. :)   I love my friend that I'm with!  She's so sweet and supportive!  On this cold  morning I kept warm with her by doing some Zumba with a tape!  WOO!   This evening we plan to go to Samural Flow yoga at   Yoyo yogi .

Day 16

posted  Jan 15, 2012 5:34 PM   I am still doing the kriyas.  On Friday the 13th,  I  had to stop living with my significant other,  and am now   in search of another place ...  There are results that you have to be aware of when you work to  raise your vibration   around others who didn't expect your work to be so  POWERFUL .  Please stay tuned for an update.

Kriya Day 13, Cold Showers & Sikh/Kundalini Clash

posted  Jan 12, 2012 8:44 PM   Did every kriya as usual. No break, so I'm doing well.  I did wake up rather late though..   (yes, 5:45 is late!) dragged my feet  a bit, but that cold shower straightened me up,  once I went cold from warm... ;)   I let it be RATHER cold though, to the point  where I had to fight not to shiver.  It feels GOOD to will myself to be *solid*  and not shiver and shake under the cold water..   Difficult to describe the feeling.. Like I'm gathering power from within..?   (Article that mentions the importance of RELAXING under the cold water) So... Some DRAMA going on with some strongly opinionated Sikhs out there.. I randomly stumbled upon  this article , as I find  myself drifting into studying  not only Sikh culture, history and practice of religion, but stumbling into  current news events  such as the MASS CONFUSION between Sikhs an...

Kriya Update Day 12

posted   Jan 11, 2012 5:17 PM So... Yeah!   Hey, has anyone began on these kriyas I've given?  If not, I suppose I'll copy it all onto another page so that it'll be easier for people to find it.  None of the notes or the video remind you about the "TUNING IN" part at the beginning, so I'll remind you if you didn't already know... Before each practice, it will serve you greatly to vibrate or sing a nice drawn out, "ONG NAMO, GURU DEV NAMO" 3 times at the beginning. When you finish, also sing the  long time sun song  (you don't have to sing it as long as she does here, just the whole thing 2 times, followed with the "guide your way on" part 3 times at the end and then a long "SAAAAAAAAT" followed by a short "NAAM" and bow to honor the primal force (adi shakti) within you. Today was a fairly good and to the point kriya practice.  The 'chocolate truffle' feeling I got from "naaam" on d...

Kriya update day 11

posted  Jan 10, 2012 12:18 PM  by Katherine Russ    Yeeaaa!! Kept that beer in the fridge and went to bed early enough to wake  at 4 and practice at the beginning of Amrit Vela (the ambrosial hours (3-6am).   When I took the cold shower, I incorporated a little self massage of shoulders,  arms, calves and feet. I did everything in proper order (if you want to know  what "everything" is, It's  these things  and  this .).   At the end of the long  relaxation, during which I have taken to listening to "So Purkh", a type of  spiritual hymn to the one primal god that flows through all aspects of life,  I sat up and sang the "Long Time Sun" song (AN IRISH BLESSING!!),  like everyone's supposed to after practicing Kundalini.  I have always  thought the song sounded childish and silly, but it has a very good- intentioned beauty to it... especially when  Snatam Kaur si...

Kriya update Day 10

posted  Jan 10, 2012 11:33 AM   So, I did my kriyas a little out of order this morning... It did feel funky to do them like that, so I'll work on not doing that  again.  They are definitely placed in very deliberate order, much like any vinyasa series or any kind of sequence that any  more typical yoga teacher will put together..  However, I must say when it comes to Sat Kriya, it's become very interesting.    I discovered today that "Naam"  is starting to give me a pleasant sensation on my tongue.. Almost  like the supernatural equivalent to a velvety sweet dark chocolate truffle melting on it... Plus the frothy saliva that  used to get whipped up underneath my tongue during "sat" is no more.  I  have taken to listening to  the daily hukamnama  on Sikhnet, just to add depth to meditating upon the divine.   If you are unfamiliar  with the daily hukamnama, like I was, even though I was expe...